Results for: the daily caller

Easy Riders, Raging Krugmans
The Old Gray Lady is in the grips of utter madness. … As Mickey Kaus responds on that last item at the Daily Caller: Hippie Check: Paul Krugman decries “hippie punching.”  … time of the miracle of the 1940s World War II.…
Obama's EPA Ignores Small Biz Concerns that Its Coal Regulations Will Kill Jobs…iz-concerns-that-its-coal-regulations-will-kill-jobs-n151638
– One Southern Indiana Chamber of Commerce vice president, Tonya Fischer, told The Daily Caller the entire state of Indiana would be … Tom Borelli, the director of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project, said the EPA’s issues with the … “Now, we have the EPA and the FERC and the SBA not communicating.…
Psychiatrists about to Normalize Pedophilia? Please say it ain't so.…about-to-normalize-pedophilia-please-say-it-aint-so-n136636
– This Daily Caller headline sent me into an emotional tailspin this week. … From the Daily Caller’s lead paragraph: If a small group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have their way at … I’m also aware of the lifelong psyche-scarring pain that results.…
VP Biden 'Not Second-Guessing' China's One-Child Policy? (Update: Obama administration 'clarifies')
– Has Biden finally pulled the Band Aid off that particular lie of the left? … male side of the population. … sterilization,” Biden’s spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff told The Daily Caller in an email.…
B4U-Act’s Rogue’s Gallery
The truth of B4U-ACT is made plain by the online activities of those involved in the group. … Richard Kramer who appeared in The Daily Caller’s piece about this most recent conference. … The Daily Caller points out that in the 1990s Berlin was in trouble with the Maryland authorities because he refused to alert law enforcement…
Re: Rep. Maxine Waters' Telling the Tea Party Where to Go
The crowd, according to The Daily Caller, peppered with purple SEIU t-shirts, cheered wildly after the statement (the video from TheDaily Caller corroborates this statement.)   … The Tea Party has done more to help the American people than Rep.…
The Complexities and Contradictions of Thomas Friedman
– “Tom Friedman: It’s way too soon to tell if the media overhyped Obama in 2008,” Allahpundit writes today, linking to a Daily Caller … As the DC’s Jeff Poor asks, “Nearly three years into the Obama presidency, is it fair to say the media were duped?” … In the meantime the Ship of State runs  aground on the shoals of  incompetence,  corruption and laughable idiocy.…
'Let’s Take These Son of Bitches Out'—Somebody Didn't Get The Memo
– “We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. … A spokesman for the AFL-CIO has not answered multiple requests from The Daily Caller as to whether Trumka supports Hoffa’s comments … That means the government — that means that the economy is growing.”…
Assessing the Palin Nation
– During the rain – big rains – some of the crowd stayed in their cars, or in the booths at the top of the venue.   … As Jedediah Bila commented on The Daily Caller: Most importantly, she offered real  solutions, including a plan that serves as a … They will stand in the rain, in the blazing sun, in the bitter cold.  …
Ralph Nader Plans His Own 'Operation Chaos'
– primaries to keep Barack Obama from clinching the nomination too eary, and keep the strife alive. … the Democratic primaries next year. … The press would ignore one lesser-known candidate, Nader told The Daily Caller, but an unorthodox “slate” of candidates would attract…
The Left Cries, 'You're a Racist if You're Not Us'
– Curiously though, he’s not yet ready to give up the mansion, the private planes and the TV station in the war effort. … Caller): “I remember, again going back to my early years in the South, when the Civil Rights revolution was unfolding, there were … Do you believe that Islamic law should be the law of the land in the United States?…
Endorsements No One Wants
– “I’m not taking a position, but I would be very pleased to see him win the Republican nomination,” Carter told the MSNBC host, according … Grammy award-winning musician Barry Manilow told The Daily Caller that he agrees with “just about everything” 2012 Republican presidential … Ron Paul says, calling him a “solid” contender for the highest office in the land. “I like him. I like what he says, I do.…
Scratch a Self-Professed Moral Relativist, Find an Absolutist
– And at the Daily Caller, Mark Judge explores Paul Krugman and the circle of retribution: As I wrote in The Daily Caller last week … The Daily Kos. … To the Paul Krugmans of the world, there is no stepping outside the circle of retribution.…
FBI Raids Solyndra
– , The Daily Caller has learned. … in any discussions with the U.S. government regarding the loan.” … But the countless meetings at the White House seem hardly coincidental.…
FBI raids Solyndra this morning: "Anybody seen $535 million around here?"
The Daily Caller reported that between March 12, 2009, and April 14, 2011, “Solyndra officials and investors made no fewer than 20 … UPDATE II: Here’s a direct link to the Daily Caller article cited above: Not only does the now-bankrupt solar energy firm Solyndra … to meet with administration officials, The Daily Caller has learned.…
Survey: 83% of Doctors Have Considered Quitting Over Obamacare
Daily Caller: Eighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama’s health … Medical Colleges, told The Daily Caller. … Watch for the return of the traveling snake oil salesman.…
DOJ official refuses to promise that DOJ will NEVER advance an anti-blasphemy law…se-that-doj-will-never-advance-an-anti-blasphemy-law-n168940
– Here’s the exchange: As Neil Munro at the Daily Caller reported back in October, Perez met with leaders from Islamic organizations … According to that Daily Caller report: During his speech, Perez applauded the Islamist lobbyists for persuading government officials … But any member of Congress demanding answers about the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood is CRAZY!!!…
Unindicted Islamist Co-Conspirator CAIR Asks the Pentagon to Drop Reza Kahlili…spirator-cair-asks-the-pentagon-to-drop-reza-kahlili-n168849
– (Daily Caller, 7/22/12; Washington Times, 10/27/11, Los Angeles Times, 7/6/12, American Thinker, 2/23/12) A program coordinator for … The newspaper called Kahlili “one of the most influential and outspoken voices in the U.S. advocating the overthrow of the Iranian … wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future,” he told the Minneapolis Star Tribune in a…
Top U.S. Islamic Group Calls for 'Gun Control'
– As reported by Neil Munro at the Daily Caller back in October, a group of representatives from many of the Obama administration’s favored … According to the Daily Caller, when the meeting was finished Perez jumped on the stage to embrace Magid. … More recently, the Obama administration came under fire at the time of inaugural in January 2009 because one of the leaders at the
The Sad Truth About Bad Bulbs
Daily Caller reports: Scientists concluded that CFL light bulbs can be harmful to healthy skin cells. … By the time the rotten thing finally does completely give up the ghost, you’ll be half-blind from squinting. … I replaced one of the CFLs — the one directly over the chest freezer — with a real 100-watt incandescent — and I bought enough of the
The Sad Truth About Bad Bulbs
Daily Caller reports: Scientists concluded that CFL light bulbs can be harmful to healthy skin cells. … By the time the rotten thing finally does completely give up the ghost, you’ll be half-blind from squinting. … I replaced one of the CFLs — the one directly over the chest freezer — with a real 100-watt incandescent — and I bought enough of the
What's with Those 'Socialist Summer Camps' Anyway? Here's the Truth
– , left-wing, liberal, intellectual, Central Park West, Brandeis University, the socialist summer camps and the, the father with theThe issue has gone viral since The Daily Caller ran a story yesterday about President Obama’s nominee for head of The Bureau of Labor … the promise of the 99%.…
Play or Pay
– And in a totally unrelated story, Tim Geithner screwed 20,000 non-union workers, and not in a fun way: Emails obtained by The DailyCaller show that the U.S. … It’s the Chicago way.…
WH Press Corps Goes Seven Weeks Without a Question
– To the contrary, Daily Caller White House reporter Neil Munro was derided by his colleagues when he interrupted Obama’s remarks in … the president of the United States. … of the book reads.…
Tennessee Democrats Disavow their Senate Nominee
Daily Caller: “The only time that Clayton has voted in a Democratic primary was when he was voting for himself,” said the Tennessee … “Many Democrats in Tennessee knew nothing about any of the candidates in the race, so they voted for the person at the top of the ticket … ,” the website says.…
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