Results for: global warming

IRONIC: Greenies' 2007 Court Victory Comes Back to Bite Them in 2021
– New York sought to penalize these oil companies under New York State’s “nuisance law” for contributing to global warming by selling … “Global warming presents a uniquely international problem of national concern,” Sullivan wrote.…
Court Throws Out Global Warming Suit by New York City Against Big Oil Companies…ing-suit-by-new-york-city-against-big-oil-companies-n1436811
– A lawsuit filed by New York City that tried to hold oil companies responsible for global warming was rejected by the 2nd U.S. … “Global warming presents a uniquely international problem of national concern,” Circuit Judge Richard Sullivan wrote for a three-judge … Greenpeace claims that Exxon knew about global warming as far back as 1981 when one of the company’s scientists wrote a memo to Exxon…
Democrats Trying to Widen the Gulf Between GOP and Corporations
– “To restore the standing of the U.S. as a global leader, we need to address the climate crisis at the pace and scale it demands,” the … It doesn’t matter whether these executives “believe” in climate change, or that cutting emissions will do anything to affect global … Politico: Inside the White House, they are warming to corporate America, too.…
Government-Mandated Climate Confessions Are Coming to a Company Near You…te-confessions-are-headed-toward-a-company-near-you-n1439293
– certain natural disasters, the ESG movement and Biden’s climate disclosures operate on false assumptions about the complex science of global … may impact the climate, scientists have been unable to pin down exactly what these emissions do, so alarmists have turned from “global … cooling” to “global warming” to the more nebulous “climate change” in pursuit of a doomsday prophecy to force their agenda as the…
Affluence + Secularism = Boredom = Leftism
– “Anti-racism” and saving the world from a threat to its very existence (global warming) are two prominent life-filling examples.…
Go Green, Go Nuclear
– But global warming may become a real problem, so it’s particularly absurd that Earth Day’s activists rarely mention the form of energy…
Diner Owner Sublimely Turns Tables on Snitches to COVID Hotline – 'We Deserve to Know Who We Can Trust'…o-covid-hotline-we-deserve-to-know-who-we-can-trust-n1447271
– For the last year, Inslee, the former presidential candidate and man-made global warming religious adherent, who wears a mask outside…
If Fox Viewers and Republicans Are So Awful, Why Do They Know So Much More Than the Other Side?…ately-than-democrats-cnns-brian-stelter-hardest-hit-n1447053
– could doom mankind to extinction within 100 years, and viewers of those networks are also likely to overestimate the amount of globalwarming that has already occurred. … Among the DNC propaganda outlets, 54% who watch MSNBC and 53% who watch CNN believe that if global carbon dioxide emissions continue…
AOC Calls on House Sergeant at Arms to Protect Her From Marjorie Taylor Greene's Insults…to-protect-her-from-marjorie-taylor-greenes-insults-n1446643
– Anyway, the confrontation was actually pretty one-sided with MTG challenging AOC to a debate on global warming and accusing her of…
Governor Gavin Newsom Has a New Plan to Beat His Recall: Flat-Out Bribery…has-a-new-plan-to-beat-his-recall-flat-out-bribery-n1446073
– Pretty Boy, as Republican John Cox calls him, who is keeping the pedal down on gas prices, increasing housing prices due to his globalwarming taxes, and signed the bill to kill freelance jobs, now says he wants to cut you a check, California.…
Netflix Animates the Founding Fathers and It's Worse Than You Could Imagine…unding-fathers-and-its-worse-than-you-could-imagine-n1452188
– as she wastes what can only be presumed to be a townsperson with an unfavorable view of manmade global warming, or imagining George…
NBC Hilariously Thinks It Caught Rep Louis Gohmert in a Guam 'Capsizing' Moment and Gets Trolled Hard…rt-in-a-guam-capsizing-moment-and-gets-trolled-hard-n1453549
– Gohmert is not an adherent of the high church of man-made global warming. … the impact of the path of the sun, sunspots, and flares, and other celestial activity that obviously has a direct impact on the warming … “These orbital cycles are not producing the changes we observe in our satellite and surface climate records, including rapid warming
What's Going on at the Pentagon That Its Leaders Say Climate Change Is the Greatest Threat to America?…ys-climate-change-is-the-greatest-threat-to-america-n1453513
Global warming.” … “We must all commit to an ambitious climate action if we’re going to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, limiting global warming … How can you tell if a particular historical event — a hurricane, for example — is the result of man-caused global warming?…
The Cultural Roots of Conservatism
– After the protracted bout of global warming we’ve been through here in the northeast, everyone is looking forward to spring.…
The Weirdness of Illegal Immigration
– The Bloomberg Rule reigns (i.e., if you can’t keep snow off the street, deplore global warming or cosmic war): we talk of dreamers…
State Attorneys General to Target Global Warming 'Deniers'
warming. … They are going to investigate claims that ExxonMobile and other fossil fuel companies knew about the dangerous effects of global warmingwarming. …
Terror in Brussels, Warning Sign for Washington
– The department also has initiatives for dealing with global warming and implementing green-energy policies.…
No, Bill Nye, Millennials Are Not All Climate Alarmists
– Twenty percent held to a more moderate view: “Global warming is a proven fact and is mostly caused by natural changes that have nothing … A full 23 percent were even more skeptical, agreeing with the statement, “Global warming is a theory that has not yet been proven.” … Last March, researchers from Yale and George Mason found that 52 percent of Americans agreed that global warming is “mostly caused…
Why Won't Gallup Ask You the One 'Climate Change' Question That Really Matters?…ou-the-one-climate-change-question-that-really-matters-n5758
– For the scientists: “Will emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from human activities cause dangerous global warming and other problematic … During this period, the global temperature statistic has risen only about 0.8 degrees Celsius, an amount that has been highly beneficial … Even then, we would have to know with a reasonable degree of confidence that such warming, if it occurs, will be as a result of human…
Democrat AGs Go After Climate Change Dissenters
– Even after “homogenizing” and massaging the raw data, climate alarmists can only show that global temperatures may have risen a few … , following three decades of slight cooling and warming. … Alarmists thus rely on computer models that predict even “worse catastrophes,” if global temperatures rise even 0.5 degrees C (0.8…
A Nation of Laws—Sort Of
– offering a public lecture on the misguided nature of Black Lives Matter, expressing doubts about the theory of man-caused, radical globalwarming that might be averted by huge government programs and investment, or doubting the wisdom of traditional marriage for gay couples…
Rand Paul: Resist ‘Global Warming Extremism’
– Rand Paul (R-Ky.) called on voters to reject politicians who are engaging in “global warming extremism” that could shut down the coal … “We also need to say we don’t need people representing us who have some sort of religious fervor that they believe in this global warming
Disney's 'Jungle Book' Departs From the Usual Global Warming Snorefest
– I expected to roll my eyes continuously through global warming, anti-human propaganda during Disney’s “The Jungle Book” when I took…
Sanders' Energy Policies Would Actually Increase Global Warming
– and Molly O’Toole point out in an article in Foreign Policy,  Sanders’ policies may actually increase emissions, leading to more globalwarming. … “Wouldn’t those proposals drive the country back to coal and oil, and actually undermine your fight against global warming?”…
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