Results for: the daily caller

Discouraging Illegal Immigration and Lower Unemployment
– Amidst reports that illegals started leaving the state as soon as the law became effective, the Daily Caller reports that in September … One of the county’s council members, Chuck Ellis, points to the drop in the unemployment rate as “proof that people – American Citizens … According to the Daily Caller story, Ellis was quoted as saying “Is that a difference of great significance?…
Gunwalker Anger Goes Bipartisan: Joe Lieberman Joins Chorus
– miscommunication between law enforcement agencies as it relates to the gunwalking plot: A spokesperson told The Daily Caller Wednesday … Investigative reporter Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller then cites a previous PJ Media exclusive as a possible trigger for Lieberman … Neither the DEA nor the FBI warned the Border Patrol of the expected criminal activity in the area, avoiding the standard practice…
More on Perjury Confessions Inside DOJ
The Daily Caller has this story.  Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has this take. … What do the false statements to Congress in the New Black Panther scandal have to do with the false statements to Congress in the Fast … The Panther in question did not live in the building.…
Eric Holder Goes All-In on Race
– Matthew Boyle at Daily Caller covers Eric Holder’s nutty explanation of why Fast and Furious is such a scandal – Holder says the controversy … Holder has crossed a line that must have the political people at the White House climbing the walls.  … the volcanic nature of the complaint. …
There's One for You, Nineteen for Me
The Daily Caller’s Michelle Fields has a little Alinsky-style fun with wealthy liberals, a group whose fellow Obama supporters like … So it was with considerable amusement that I saw this video clip from the Daily Caller, exposing the utter hypocrisy of rich leftists … federal returns to the IRS.…
Socialized Medicine Looks Inevitable
– If you call yourself a “liberal” or a “Democrat” the words create an uptick in the heart rate that feels remarkably like the first … The stories from Canada and the UK sound troubling; the stories from France sound more reassuring. … Instead, too late, we’re looking up from Dancing with the Stars just in time to see the Federal Jug Band introduce a new caller, and…
White House goes after tiny local newspaper to scrub barely negative line about FLOTUS…newspaper-to-scrub-barely-negative-line-about-flotus-n146883
– This marks twice in a week the Obama White House has played hardball with the press and had the tale exposed. … The reporter, Gina Channell-Allen of the Pleasanton (CA) Weekly, complied with the WH request and removed the offending sentence (which … The Obama WH has since put in a call to the Daily Caller to deny any of this ever happened.…
Corsi's Book Pulped (See Update - Satire)
– WND does not apparently regard it as funny reports the Daily Caller. I don’t regard it as funny, either. … Here’s the World Net Daily response: A major national publication that endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008 today published … And despite the fact that media are calling WND from around the world concerned about the report, it is completely false.…
'Unflippingbelievable! No, Wait, it is Believable'
– Sarah Palin, in the Daily Caller, on the  Obamacare waivers in Nancy Pelosi’s district in California: In response to the revelation … Sarah Palin told The Daily Caller the waiver process is “corrupt.” “Unflippingbelievable! … And anyone who still supports the Pelosi-Reid-Obama agenda of centralized government takeovers of the free market and the corresponding…
Napoleon in Rags and the Language That He Used
– And at the Daily Caller, Mark Judge has a great take on why Rolling Stone blows a gasket whenever it covers Fox News: Still, [the … Most of them — like the folks at Slate — are liberal and got into the business to “change the world.” … They are like the kids in high school who absolutely despise the pretty, popular girl, then spend hours on the phone every night…
Note to the Daily Caller: Private tweets don't make a public story
The Daily Caller’s Jonathan Strong runs a story based entirely on the private tweets of Sarah Palin staffer Rebecca Mansour. … But evidently it’s news to Jonathan Strong and the Daily Caller. Frankly, it’s garbage. … messages identical to a couple the Caller posted.…
NYTimes asks for reader help with Palin emails. Or didn't. Or, actually, did.…ader-help-with-palin-emails-or-didnt-or-actually-did-n148485
The Daily Caller: The New York Times originally denied making an open call for readers to help “investigate” e-mails from former … to The Daily Caller, pointing TheDC to a specific news story about the Palin e-mails’ release. … or the paper.”…
Eleven Questions
– Jamie Weinstein at the Daily Caller interviewed me about my book The Road to Fatima Gate: The Beirut Spring, the Rise of Hezbollah … It’s not like, say, Korea where our friends are in the south and our enemies are in the north on the other side of the DMZ. … Read the rest in the Daily Caller.…
CBS turns on the cone of silence on ObamaCare cash
The Daily Caller reports a zinger: CBS and the Washington Post got big cash payouts from ObamaCare. … Neither news organization disclosed the payments from the very controversial law or the ERRP, which Republicans call a “slush fund. … Chris Salcedo, host of the America’s Radio News program, called up CBS to find out if the network would publicly confirm the payment…
Episcopal Church Replaces God with Gaia on Good Friday
– As Bryan Preston wrote at the Tatler yesterday, quoting from this Daily Caller article, “Both Good Friday and Earth Day fall on April … Schut continued: “On Good Friday, the day we mark the crucifixion of Christ, God in the flesh, might we suggest that when Earth … No word yet if they’re making it official by following the lead of the Napa Valley hotel that replaced the King James Bible with the
CBS and Wa Po Crony Capitalists Riding the Obama Gravy Train
– It’s even more troublesome to learn  from the Daily Caller that two news organizations which cover the administration and its works … “It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. … Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to The Daily Caller.…
The Gray Lady Goes Forward into the Past
– At the Daily Caller, Rick Berman profiles New York Times food columnist Mark Bittman, whom Berman dubs “Perhaps the best example of … The result may as well be titled “Let Them Eat Arugula.” … The Bittman-inspired foodie movement’s goal is to encourage us all to roll back the clock on farming and food production, to a practically…
Japanese guts
– I have a piece on Japan and Fukushima at the Daily Caller today.…
Obama's Shariah-Compliant Army of One
– Caroline May at the Daily Caller reports that female US soldiers are subject to official “requests” (which soldiers clearly have to … Major Kyndra Rotunda, executive director of the Military Law and Policy Institute and AMVETS Legal Clinic, told The Daily Caller that … But the problem is — and I think anyone who has been in the military understands that being encouraged to do something is about the
The New Black Panthers are planning major social events for April 23rd
– Therefore, on Saturday April 23rd, we are taking vigilantly to the streets, the projects, the police stations, the homeless shelters … The sleeping giant of the planet. … According to the Daily Caller, “The group urges the authorities to leave them be, not to worry about the late April protests.”…
(PJM Exclusive) Did Obama and Holder Scuttle Terror Finance Prosecutions?
the case for most of the past decade. … It was always the plan to initially go after the [Holy Land Foundation] leaders first and then go after the rest of the accomplices … Daily Caller reported that White House officials had publicly praised CAIR.…
Krauthammer pities the fool who calls him fool
– Among the many headlines Donald Trump generated this past week, he insulted Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Charles Krauthammer, … Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller caught up with Dr. K and asked him about the fracas.…
Obama Releases Birth Certificate: See, That Wasn't So Hard
the release decision, indicate — the damage is done. … Back in the 1920s, the iconoclastic H.L. … puzzle-boxes waiting to be solved — particularly one whom, as the Daily Caller notes in their post on the Birth Certificate release…
'Can You Spell M-A-L-A-I-S-E?'
– At the Daily Beast, far left pundit and former JournoLista Eric Alterman suddenly notices that America’s got a one-way ticket to … the country’s economic problems was to attack the deficit. … Incidentally, recall this infamous November of 2008 exchange from the JournoList, as quoted by the Daily Caller, immediately after…
Di Paolo on Showtime - take that, HBO
– My recent piece at The Daily Caller details the pay channel’s programming tilt, including upcoming projects like the film version of … the Palin-bashing book “Game Change.” … Is this the start of a trend?…
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