Results for: the daily caller

'Obama Wins! And Journolisters Rejoice'
– At the Daily Caller, Jonathan Strong rounds up the reaction from the JournoList in the early days of November, 2008 And yes, it … reactions that emanated publicly from the Washington Post at the time. … Update: Rush Limbaugh responds to Byron York about the JournoList death wish report. Update: The new JournoList emerges!…
The Manchurian Listserv
– In perhaps the best-known pull quote from yesterday’s Daily Caller story on the JournoList, Spencer Ackerman, then with the Washington … What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left. … But back then, the Washington Post circled the wagons to ferret out the corruption and excesses of “All the President’s Men.”…
'Liberal Journalists Suggest Government Shut Down Fox News'
– [youtube pqVxa73KIkw] Gird your loins, as the Vice President would say: as Tucker Carlson hinted in the above video, the Daily Caller … Though that last item seems remarkably ironic in light of the main topic of the Daily Caller article. … But it’s all the same old nuts in the same old bins with some new labels: the gun nuts, the anti tax nuts, the religious nuts, the
'Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, Who Cares? Call Them Racists'
– In a new post on the PJM homepage, Rand Simberg spots something I hadn’t noticed when I blearily linked to the Daily Caller item on … At the Daily Caller, Jim Treacher rounds up some further reaction from people who all look like to the members of the JournoList. … Update: At the Daily Caller, “Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post.”…
Journolist, Jeremiah Wright and Groucho Marx
– And I never felt them so acutely as when reading Jonathan Strong’s excerpts in the Daily Caller this morning, regarding the Journolist … But forget the paucity of imagination and style, what about the group think? … The Daily Caller has performed a service in publishing the dull maunderings of the Journolist crowd.…
How the Wright-Free Zone was Built
– At the Daily Caller, Jonathan Strong rummages through the JournoList and describes how documents from mid-2008 “show media plotting … According to records obtained by The Daily Caller, at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists … Update (11:40 AM PDT): Welcome readers clicking in from: The Daily Caller homepage Big Journalism Hot Air Instapundit Michelle Malkin…
'The $1 Price Tag, Then, Is Probably Just About Right'
– As Chris Moody of the Daily Caller writes, “Partisan connections of new Newsweek owner raise concern:” The $1 sale of Newsweek magazine … But never let it be said that the Daily Caller merely grouses about problems — they also provide workable solutions as well. … As does Jeff Bercovici of AOL’s Daily Finance column,  who pens an “Owner’s Manual” for the tyro Newsweek publisher.…
2008: The Year Journalism Really Died
– At the Daily Caller, political consultant Myra Adams, who helped craft ads for both the Bush 2004 campaign (including GWB’s classic … legacy media’s “reporting” during the 2008 election: Now thanks to The Daily Caller, truth has come from darkness.   … So fast forward to The Daily Caller’s revelations about the Journolist’s media manipulations and now we can declare with great certainty…
JournoList: Controversy Proves Collusion
– , The Daily Caller. … My interview with Jonathan Strong of the Daily Caller from the middle of Saturday’s PJM Political is now available as a separate podcast … To get the scoop on the JournoList from the man who has been spearheading the Daily Caller’s stories, click here.…
Jonathan Strong Cracks Open the JournoList
– Taken from this week’s edition of PJM Political, Ed Driscoll interviews Jonathan Strong of the Daily Caller, the man who has done … much to bring the JournoList to light in the past two weeks. … (Click here for all the Daily Caller’s JournoList-related articles.…
PJM Political 07/31/10: All the President's Juicebox Mafia
– Jonathan Strong of the Daily Caller goes deep inside the JournoList, aka “Ezra Klein’s Juicebox Mafia”, as Steve jokes. … An interview with Natasha Vargas-Cooper, the author of the new book, Mad Men Unbuttoned, and proprietor of its swanky Weblog, “The … Unlike the legacy media, which has a friend at the FTC, alternative media needs reader and viewer support to flourish.…
JournoList: The View from Inside the MSM's Cocoon
– When I interviewed Jonathan Strong of the Daily Caller earlier this week about the JournoList, for a segment for tomorrow’s PJM Political … , all while administering daily beatings to the opposition. … default setting for soft-liberalism and appreciate the hard work of daily dishonesty that the MFM engages in to continue this advantage…
Would Could Go Wrong?
– At the Daily Caller, Benjamin Kerstein explores “The biases of Christiane Amanpour:” This Sunday, former CNN war correspondent and … Her selection for the post, however, has caused a surprisingly potent backlash. … Putting aside issues such as the suitability of a foreign affairs reporter for a show on domestic politics and reports of behind-the
The Professional Left vs. the Amateur Right
The latter is not a secret; neither is the fact that the truth is to the loony fringe what the cross is to the vampires. … The second rule? See the first rule. … One of such mailing lists, recently discovered and analyzed by the Daily Caller, was used by specialists in various sectors of the
JournoList Member Advocates Lying to Public
– Can’t imagine why, after reading this item from Jonathan Strong at the Daily Caller, who notes that former JournoList member “Matt … Here’s a screenshot of the Tweet in question, in case it “disappears itself” somehow: More from the Daily Caller: Yglesias’s … In concluding his interview with The Daily Caller, Yglesias said “go f**k yourself” and hung up the phone. Classy.…
Kid Barack Vs Hurricane Angela
– jobs”, according to The Daily Caller. … The Daily Caller suggests that they were mostly union jobs. … government can help carry the load — while perched atop the public — has now heard the bell marking the end of the first round.…
The Non-Official Obama Campaign Staff Weighs In
– Apparently failing to see the satire in our post on Hillary taking another bid at the White House, not to mention the historical ramifications … for Democrats are current or former staffers of the Journal editorial pages, the Dems should perhaps be wary (just as the GOP would … You can look, too, at the people who are doing their best to amplify the claim: right-wing outlets like Pajamas Media, the Daily Caller
Reading the Tea Leaves
– First, from the Daily Caller: Additionally, Democratic lawmakers have taken heart that Republicans have tripped over themselves repeatedly … “This is the best night the Democrats have had this year,” said Larry Sabato, a political science professor at the University of Virginia … The energy and enthusiasm is all on the side of the insurgents, because our incumbents (Democrats and Republicans alike) have failed…
State-Department Rocked by 'Bam-Caused Disaster
– “State Department: Taliban is not a terrorist organization,” notes the Daily Caller’s Amanda Carey: A new State Department report … policy analyst and former State Department employee, told The Daily Caller. … terror group.“ Gedrich and others troubled by the Taliban’s absence from the list note that the Taliban recruited and trained the
You Go to War with the TV Personalities You Have
The latest I heard were two: the first at over 300,000. And the next at over 500,000. … And let’s hope that anyone on the left who protests the site or the timing of the rally has likewise spoken out about the need for … Photos at top of post via Instapundit, and via the Daily Caller, which has much more on Beck’s rally today.)…
'Hollywood has a Deep Distrust of Free Markets'
– [youtube WH_MBwQhGgA] At the Daily Caller, Prateik Dalmia explores “Why Hollywood Loves Democrats.” … When intellectuals see the market heaping lavish rewards on people below them in intellectual stature they form the idea that the … Slowly though, the costs for entry are coming down, and the ease of use of the software and hardware will continue to improve.…
Why Does Time-Warner Hate America So?
– Easter came and the magazine feted “The End of Christian America.” … The reinvented newsmagazine has pursued a fantasy life of its own. The fantasy is a reverse of the one the old editors enjoyed. … Related: Jim Treacher quips at the Daily Caller, “Mosque lady builds bridges by calling 70% of U.S. bigots.”…
Obamastemic Closure
– Now is the time at Ed when we juxtapose! … ” — Headline at the Daily Caller, September 7th, 2010 Related: “Our economy is no longer suffering from the recession. … At this point, the economy is suffering from the policies the Democrats put in place that were supposed to create a ‘recovery.…
'Wall Street Wants its Freedom Back'
– Business blogger “Donny Baseball” links to a piece in the New York Times and reprinted by the Daily Caller titled “Why Wall St. donors … Those districts are not going to feel the pain of the financial markets the way New York, New Jersey, California, and Connecticut … Having to balance a bunch of spending priorities with somewhat limited income in their daily lives, balanced budgets are the ultimate…
Is 'Occupy Wall Street' Obama's Real Jobs Program?
– Well, the Daily Caller found that some of the occupiers are getting a paycheck: One group of about ten Hispanic protesters marched … Others, however, referred to the man from the DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition — the only Caucasian in the group — as their “boss.” … The conservative blogger was videotaping the march and argued that the union involvement meant the demonstration had been “astroturfed…
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