Results for: the daily caller

The Morning Briefing: Fusion GPS, Dossier, Holy Comey and Much, Much More
Daily Caller: Emails obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show that Glenn Simpson, an executive at Fusion GPS, contacted … Winer was used by Isikoff to support the allegations in the dossier, but it looks like Winer’s information came from the dossier he … , and in which the president of the United States is a subject.…
Former FEC Chairman: AOC 'Could Be Facing Jail Time' for Possible Campaign Finance Violation…ing-jail-time-for-possible-campaign-finance-violation-n64224
– new report from The Daily Caller. … Daily Caller News Foundation. … Matt Margolis is the author of The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama and the bestselling The Worst President in History: The Legacy…
Liberals and Conservatives Mock the Very Idea of 'President Hickenlooper'…rvatives-mock-the-very-idea-of-president-hickenlooper-n64212
– Laurie has written for the Daily Caller, Townhall, Breitbart, and … Yet Barack Obama did indeed become the 44th President of the United States. … He is now the 5th completely unrecognizable democrat in the race.…
Another Month, Another Record Number of Border Apprehensions by CBP
The month of May at the border was like every other month, only worse. … 42 — Jennie Taer (@JennieSTaer) May 31, 2022 Daily Caller: Migrants TheDCNF interviewed after they … The longer they stay in the U.S., the harder it will be to expel them.…
Dobbs Wasn’t a Pro-Life Victory, It Was a Victory for Federalism
– In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. … Steve Scalise wrote at The Daily Caller. … With abortion now up to the states, it’s on the pro-life movement to make the case for protecting life to the elected leaders who now…
Call Your Local 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion' Council What it Really Is: Commie Thought Police…ion-council-what-it-really-is-commie-thought-police-n1611363
– Orchestras instituted “blind” auditions (the judges couldn’t see the musician auditioning and thus hired based on merit) in the ’70s … The Daily Caller reprinted part of his email: And as much as I don’t want to interfere in anything that isn’t my business, given … Smelling Vagos’ blood in the water, the “trans” student leaked the email exchange, and the school’s DEI sharks circled.…
What's Going to Happen in November?
– Wade, it could change the trajectory of the midterms. … However… Michael McKenna, the president of MWR Strategies, argues at The Daily Caller “that there is little data that suggests that … both the margin of error and the centerline.”…
Insanity Wrap: How to Spot a Groomer With This 1 Weird Trick
– imagery to kids, isolating them from their parents, and encouraging them to keep secrets, experts told the Daily Caller. … Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University, told the Daily Caller. … “This is extremely dangerous and an immense violation … — Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) August 1, 2022 It makes more sense if, like the alleged Vice President…
Why Biden Will Likely Forgive Some Student Loan Debt
– Since the radical left thinks it’s unfair for borrowers to be expected to pay back the loans they promised to pay back, the idea is … The fact is that young voters are hurt by the Biden economy like the rest of us. … Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson told the Daily Caller News Foundation.…
Heh. A Leftist Billionaire Can’t Get an Electric Car
– “Oh my, Lovey, shall we go to the Vineyard for Christmas this year or to the lodge in Aspen?” … “Do we want an infinity pool at the summer home?” Yeah, I’m sure the struggle is real. … To his credit, the Daily Caller reports that Steyer drove a Chevy Volt for seven years until failing systems made that impossible.…
Facebook Briefly Censors House GOP Members Critical of Biden’s Student Loan Plan…se-gop-members-critical-of-bidens-student-loan-plan-n1624146
– That’s more than the size of the FBI.” … But the people who are writing these algorithms are the ones who benefit from left-wing policies, and the ones who will control the … They are people like Kristen Gonzalez, the winner of the primary for New York’s Senate District 59 who according to the Daily Caller
Shocking Evidence of the FBI's Assault on 2nd Amendment Rights
Daily Caller reports. … execute the agreement but lacks the ‘mental capacity adequately to contract or manage the details of my life.’” … Harris told the Daily Caller. There is no record of when the form was created or when it started being used.…
Alaska Voter Rolls Feature a Gender Identity I Can Live With
– Well, consider me a little less confused now because the perfect gender identity for me has now been revealed. … muldoon (@WillMuldoon) September 1, 2022 “I purchase the rolls often, usually for just data nerd stuff,” Muldoon told the DailyCaller.…
FBI Official Who Tried To Obstruct Hunter Biden Laptop Investigation Resigns…obstruct-hunter-biden-laptop-investigation-resigns-n1625502
– within the FBI to cover up damaging information about Hunter Biden. … Thibault’s blatant partisanship undermined the work and reputation of the FBI,” Grassley said in a statement to the Daily Caller News … Political bias should have no place at the FBI, and the effort to revive the FBI’s credibility can’t stop with his exit.…
Obama-Era Tea Party Targeter Appointed to Create IRS Office Overseeing 87,000 New Agents…ed-to-create-irs-office-overseeing-87000-new-agents-n1624976
– Flax, by the way, visited the White House no fewer than 31 times during the period the tea party was targeted between 2010 and 2012 … The Daily Caller also reported in 2014 on a secretive program Lerner and Flax set up in which they collected information from conservative … 2010, the month of the Washington conference.…
Mister Zarqawi, He Dead
Caller on the Diane Rhem Show, in tears: “I woke up this morning and learned my country had dropped a bomb on someone’s head….” … who was martyred at the hands of the savage crusade campaign which targets the Arab homeland, starting in Iraq.” … death of Zarqawi at the hands of the savage crusader campaign aimed at the Arab heartland.…
– From Blacksmiths of Lebanon: Al Seyassah daily learned from authoritative sources in Beirut, that one of the editors of the Syrian … The caller inquired about the details of the assassination of Lebanese Minister for Industry Pierre Gemayel, raising eyebrows at theThe timing of phone call was 55 minutes before the assassination was carried out.…
That's One Big, Swinging... Election
– Coakley on the eve of Tuesday’s special election in Massachusetts, according to polls released Monday. … University’s Political Research Center in Boston, told The Daily Caller. … Despite pooh-poohing those Pajamas Media polls a couple days ago, even Nate has now seen the light.…
The Future Of New Media And Its Enemies -- Updated
– Inside Tucker Carlson’s new Daily Caller Website (the new home of satirist/blogger/all-around good guy Jim Treacher), Andrew Breitbart … And hence, the warning: And now, Tucker, with the launch of The Daily Caller, you immediately bring a new and credible voice to our … Update: And speaking of whom, in a new essay at the Daily Caller, Carlson explores “A moral arbiter for our age, Rev.…
"Here’s Senator Scott Brown’s Wife In 1984"
– As the Daily Caller notes: She appeared in this music video for Boston-based musician Digney Fignus. It’s saucy! … While the Huffington Post is busy analyzing the above MTV video for the eeevil semiotics what it says about Scott Brown, Glenn Beck … sets the Wayback Machine way, way back, and analyzes the Beatles’ “Revolution.”…
They're Coming Up, So You Better Get This Party Started
– And speaking of which, the Daily Caller talks with CNBC’s Rick Santelli, who gave them their name, via the rant heard round the world … : [youtube bEZB4taSEoA] Meanwhile, while the Tea Party movement on the whole has been a stunning success (just ask SEIU, which is … And given the steady leftward tilt of the comic industry in the past couple of decades, that’s sadly not at all surprising.…
What A Difference A Year Makes
– But if the Senate budget chair is forcefully calling foul on the process, what then is the point of the House vote? … Had the summit been the breakthrough moment the Obami had hoped for maybe a groundswell of support could have shaken the pieces loose … Of course, as the Jim Treacher points out in the Daily Caller, leading the list of “Things You Never Hear” is, “Gee, I didn’t realize…
Rielle Hunter 'Screamed For Two Hours' After Seeing GQ Photos
– At the Daily Caller, Mike Riggs writes: It seems that John Edwards’ mistress Rielle Hunter had no idea that her photoshoot with … On “The View” today, Barbara Walters discussed a phone call with Hunter in which she asked the videographer about the GQ photoshoot … When I asked if that was the case, why did she pose the way she did, she said she trusted Mark Seliger, whom she said is a brilliant…
Leather Lesbians, Not the Flannel Lesbians, Right?
The Daily Caller reports that RNC Chairman Michael Steele… well… just see for yourself: The RNC explains that Steele charters jets … Yet Steele’s office repeatedly refused to explain in specific terms the circumstances of the February charter flights. … A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four…
And I Doubt He's Fueling Up EIB-1 For This
– They also seem proud of the fact that Limbaugh invested 724 words on his radio show calling the project dumb. … The goal now is to charter a jet. To date the site has raised $2,812. … Update: “Daily Caller RNC Hit Piece Is Factually Incorrect”?…
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