Results for: hillary

Kasich Camp: Trump Lying with Tweets and Robocalls About Pennsylvania Ballot…g-with-tweets-and-robocalls-about-pennsylvania-ballot-n43856
– In a new Mercyhurst general election poll, Kasich got 49 percent in Pennsylvania compared to 36 percent for Hillary Clinton.…
The Circus, a 2016 Campaign Documentary on Showtime, Is a Must-See
– All the candidates and their families are accessible and interact with the team … except Hillary. No surprise there.…
D'Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’
– Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza said his upcoming film about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is going to result … described the film, Hillary’s America, as a sordid history of the Democratic Party from the very beginning all the way through Hillary
WATCH: SNL Captures Hillary Trying to be All the Bern She Can be
– “Saturday Night Live” has previously mocked Hillary Clinton for trying to mold herself into what voters want that day. … “I think you’re really going to like the Hillary Clinton that my team and I have created for this debate,” Kate McKinnon’s Hillary … “I, Hillary Clinton, share all of your exact same beliefs,” she declares. “And I always have.”…
Carly Fiorina for Veep!
– Next she lashed out at The Donald and her nemesis, Hillary Clinton. … And the only guy who loses to Hillary Clinton right now in the polls is Donald Trump. … Ted Cruz is beating Hillary Clinton in the polls.…
Will GOP Donors Back Trump if He's the Nominee?
– He said those voices view as unacceptable the prospect of a President Hillary Clinton driving America further leftward and potentially … They will support Trump because no matter how badly he presents himself, he is a better alternative than Hillary Clinton or Bernie…
May You Live in Interesting Times (Redux)
– If — heaven forfend — he is the nominee, he will be destroyed by Hillary or whoever takes over from her when she is finally measured…
Ted Cruz in Kansas City: 'I'm Running to Be the President of All Americans'…city-im-running-to-be-the-president-of-all-americans-n45825
– He later declared that Donald Trump as president would be “a disaster,” but Hillary Clinton would be “an even worse disaster.”…
Rubio Calls Trump's Violent Rallies 'a Frightening, Grotesque, and Disturbing Development in American Politics'…esque-and-disturbing-development-in-american-politics-n45824
– “I’ve already talked about the fact that Hillary Clinton would be terrible for this country, but the fact that you’re even asking me…
Recon By Fire
– However, there are Bernie, Hillary, Donald, Ted and Marco.  Now which one will it be? Follow Wretchard on Twitter.…
Are Republican Jews to Blame for Donald Trump's Success?
– I dislike both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders as much as the rest of my politically conservative Jews. … Just ask Hillary. Exactly what Jewish Republicans will do in the face of a potential Trump candidacy is yet to be seen.…
Hillary IT Specialist Singing Like a Bird to the FBI
– A source close to the FBI investigation into the use of Hillary Clinton’s private email server says that the IT specialist who worked … Career prosecutors at the Justice Department granted Pagliano immunity to advance the case against Hillary Clinton and her aides. …
Hillary Clinton decried the “divisive rhetoric,” citing the case of an “evil man” who walked into a church and killed 9 people as an…
Niger Innis: ‘Superhero’ GOP Nominee Would be Mix of Cruz and Trump
– he does it consistently and that’s the courage Republicans are going to have to have as we move forward into this election with Hillary
Brainwashing Blames Conservative Media for Hate
– The film’s trailer trots out Hillary Clinton’s famous “vast right-wing conspiracy” sound bite to buttress the point.…
Hillary Lambasted, Apologizes for Praising Nancy Reagan's AIDS Advocacy…apologizes-for-praising-nancy-reagans-aids-advocacy-n102934
– Some liberals lashed out at Hillary Clinton for saying kind things about Nancy Reagan at the former first lady’s funeral today, particularly … Hillary also praised Nancy’s advocacy against drugs and encouraging negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachev. … , which is insane and wrong and disgusting — Gawker (@Gawker) March 11, 2016 Why is Hillary Clinton so…
What if Obama Did What Trump Does?
– How would they report Benghazi if the lies were being told by Dick Cheney instead of Hillary?…
Clinton Says She Won't Move to Canada if Trump Wins
– Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has declared that she would not leave the United States for the Great White North if Donald…
Will Hillary Be the New O.J.?
– The end game in the Great Hillary Clinton Email Scandal (GHCES) is coming soon. … Hillary Clinton ignored warnings about email security“), including who knows how many foreign countries (Hillary brags of visiting … They disappear if Hillary gets off — as does our country as we know it.  …
Dem Party 'Error' Leaves Sanders' Name Off D.C. Primary Ballot
– The Sanders’ campaign, as well as Hillary Clinton’s campaign, each submitted registration fees of $2,500 on time earlier this month…
What's the Matter with Ted Cruz?
– Sounds like total garbage to me, and if it’s not, shame on him, but with a field that includes Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, if … If Hillary gets nailed by the FBI?…
Ted Cruz Wallops Donald Trump in Wisconsin Poll
– The Marquette Law School poll also gives Bernie Sanders a slight lead over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic race.…
Hillary Supporter Started RNC Open Carry Petition
– Jim is a self-described liberal Democrat who intends to vote for Hillary Clinton should she become the Democratic nominee.…
Susan Sarandon Says Trump Would Be Better for America Than Hillary
– Hayes asked if Sarandon would “really” consider voting for Trump over Hillary. … “I think, in certain quarters, there’s growing concern that the folks that are into Bernie Sanders have come to despise Hillary Clinton … or reject Hillary Clinton and that should she be the nominee, which is as yet undetermined, they will walk away,” Hayes noted.…
Trump Popularity Tanks, as Liberal States Set to Vote
– While Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz are also viewed unfavorably, their numbers are nowhere near this bad.…
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