Results for: hillary

Twitter Mob Comes For Mark Ruffalo After He Does Something Right For Once…mark-ruffalo-after-he-does-something-right-for-once-n1449462
– Lebanese-American political activist and former Hillary Clinton advisor Peter Daou mocked Ruffalo’s apology by issuing an “apology”…
Toward a More Sane America
– She was accused of being a Russian asset by Hillary Clinton (remember her?) which tells you a lot.…
Why Hunter Biden's Racism Matters
– In fact, it was Hillary Clinton who originally raised doubts about Obama’s eligibility to run for president.…
Jan. 6 Commission: Do Democrats Really Want 'the Facts'?
– These are the same Democrats who, for four-plus years, allowed Hillary Clinton to call the 2016 election “stolen” and Trump “illegitimate…
Never Let a Plague Go to Waste
Hillary Clinton said something similar early in the pandemic: “… This would be a terrible crisis to waste as the old saying goes.…
The Morning Briefing: Memorial Day 2021—Remembering the Fallen
– Biden Administration, We Actually Need a Law to Ensure Only American Flag is Flown at Embassies Barking from a box of Franzia…Hillary
The Morning Briefing: Another Suspicious Dead Body Drops in Hillary Clinton's Wake…suspicious-dead-body-drops-in-hillary-clintons-wake-n1454399
Hillary Clinton was under investigation for her private email server by the FBI when Sign revealed a secret meeting between her husband … Bill and Hillary are the ultimate Teflon power couple. Nothing ever sticks to them. … of the long list of things that we should continue to thank Donald Trump for is the fact that he spared the United States from Hillary
What to Do With a Lawless IRS?
– Think of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team of career Justice Department prosecutors, Hillary Clinton boosters all, who spent years…
Journo Who Broke 2016 Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Found Dead
Hillary Clinton was under investigation for her private email server by the FBI when Sign revealed a secret meeting between her husband … Related: Did Bill Clinton Use That Tarmac Meeting with Loretta Lynch to Sabotage Hillary?…
Trump Wants DNC and Hillary Campaign Held Accountable For Bogus Russian Collusion Witch Hunt…accountable-for-bogus-russian-collusion-witch-hunt-n1453532
Hillary Clinton herself quipped, “Vote for honest elections, so we, not a foreign adversary, choose our president,” on the third night … declassified in April 2020 also suggested that Obama’s CIA director John Brennan suppressed evidence that Russia actually wanted to help Hillary
Hillary Vs. Trump: Godzilla Vs. King Kong?
– So the looming questions for the elite concern whether Godzilla Hillary would be better than King Kong Trump. … Hillary was as responsible as her boss for the Russian reset, the Iranian deal, the Libyan tragedy, the implosion of Iraq after the … Then there is Hillary the person.…
The Thin Blue Line
– The more perceptive Democratic strategists are worried Hillary might be caught on the horns of a dilemma.   … Jeff Spross of the Week noted that Hillary had two flanks to simultaneously defend: the Left and the Right.    … Pulleine on that fateful date in 1879, Hillary has no choice but be dragged where they go.…
Hillary Clinton Proclaims Our Border Is Secure
– Was Hillary Clinton a stand-up comic in another life? … Perhaps before the next time Hillary Clinton makes a fool of herself spouting immigration nonsense, she should consult the people who…
Sanders: We Might Convince Superdelegates to Switch to Stop Trump
– Sanders (I-Vt.) conceded that “the whole concept of superdelegates is problematic,” but insists all is not lost in his challenge to Hillary … think people are also going to appreciate when they look at the polls that Bernie Sanders does better against Donald Trump than Hillary … I like Hillary Clinton, but I want to win this thing. Bernie is our guy.”…
GOP Beginning to Fret About Down-Ballot Races if Trump Is the Nominee
– For one, given Hillary Clinton’s high unfavorable ratings and Trump’s willingness to adapt his message to fit changing political conditions…
Democrats Ponder Their Own Election 'Nightmare Scenarios'
– Unless Hillary Clinton is indicted. At that point, all bets are off and the Democratic Party is thrown into chaos. … But what would happen if Hillary was indicted after the convention and before election day? … The country would be in an uproar if Hillary won, but Obama won’t care — he’s out of office on January 20, 2017.…
Did Hillary Clinton Let the Dogs Out?
– A video posted by @sonny5ideup ( on Feb 17, 2016 at 9:11am PST In this mashup, the question of whether Hillary
Hillary Beats Trump by 19 Points in NY Poll
– A new Emerson College poll for New York has Donald Trump getting trounced by both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in his home state … Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey asks a good question: What makes anyone think that Trump could beat Hillary in California or Massachusetts…
Superheroes, Superman... And Now Super-Delegates!
Hillary Clinton might be in trouble if it weren’t for the Democrat breed of superheroes– the Super-Delegates!…
More Trouble for Hillary: Now NSA Gets Into the Act
– As if Hillary Clinton isn’t in enough trouble over her “homebrew” email server and other examples of her deliberate flouting of American … refusing to address the question at all in a recent debate, led to speculation about a backroom deal with the White House to shield Hillary … Neither is the FBI the only powerful Federal agency that Hillary Clinton needs to worry about as she plots her path to the White House…
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