Results for: global warming
Socialism Corrupts and Absolute Socialism Corrupts Absolutely
In Portugal, this was met with “we have to do it to prevent global warming.” … Now they might believe in anthropogenic global warming more than we do.…
Stevie Wonder Claims That Anyone Who Doesn't Believe in Global Warming Is Blind…anyone-who-doesnt-believe-in-global-warming-is-blind-n89733…anyone-who-doesnt-believe-in-global-warming-is-blind-n89733
But then, just a few seconds later, he said, “Anyone who believes that there is no such thing as global warming must be blind or unintelligent…
The Morning Briefing: Trump Continues Tax Reform Crusade and Much, Much More
Wonder started the show by saying, “Anyone who believes that there’s no such thing as global warming must be blind or unintelligent…
Two Models
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of the NOAA summarized the state of knowledge about global warming and hurricanes on Aug … of trends in Atlantic hurricane and tropical storm counts over the past 120+ yr support the notion that greenhouse gas-induced warming … Now energy moves grain ships to areas of crop failure, fuels worldwide distribution systems, powers global communications networks,…
Puerto Rico Enters the 'Great American Victim Derby'
Despite what global warming fanatics might say, hurricanes are nothing new in Puerto Rico. …
The Puffington Host Now Doing Bad Science Fiction
And if there were, climate change/global warming/Making Gaia pissy does not work that way. … You must ask yourself, if anthropogenic global warming were true, would all these people trying to stop it consume more fuel than entire…
The Left Wants Supermen to Rule, But They Aren't Even Giants
(Okay, they ascribed that to global warming, which they ascribed to Bush Potato potahto.)…
Harvey Weinstein and the Death of 'Feminism'
From jetting the globe more frequently in private planes than most people go to the supermarket while inveighing against global warming…
Why the Climate Alarmist Claims About 2017 Hurricanes Are Nonsense…0/03/climate-alarmist-claims-2017-hurricanes-nonsense-n53896…0/03/climate-alarmist-claims-2017-hurricanes-nonsense-n53896
These activists claim that man-made global warming has made the Gulf of Mexico warmer and the air more humid, thereby making tropical … Even scientists who should know better are promoting the hurricane/global warming connection. Dr. … The global warming/hurricane connection completely falls apart when one looks at the observational data.…
'Undercover' Reporter Claims She Heard 'Casual Bigotry' at Conservative Workshop
This writer was later able to rattle off examples of the group mocking Leftist theories in the workshop — like global warming, the…
Leonardo DiCaprio Would Only Allow Climate Alarmists to Hold Public Office…ld-only-allow-climate-alarmists-to-hold-public-office-n48370…ld-only-allow-climate-alarmists-to-hold-public-office-n48370
Science is never fully settled, however, and while almost no one denies that global climate has changed over time, the theory of anthropogenic … global warming does not enjoy such near-universal consensus.…
The Return of the UFOs
migration pathway to Mars on the basis of the precautionary principle — which was infamously used to justify paying billions to stop Global … Warming. …
5 Conservative Reasons to Vote for Gary Johnson
Among other things, Grover is terrified of Johnson’s approach to global warming — acknowledging the science but denying that humans…
Al Gore Stumps for Hillary, Says Nightly News Like 'Hike Through Book of Revelation'…ays-nightly-news-like-hike-through-book-of-revelation-n42377…ays-nightly-news-like-hike-through-book-of-revelation-n42377
Gore said his first message to voters is that “the climate crisis is and must be regarded as a top national priority, and a top global … “…Mother Nature is giving us a very clear and powerful message; we cannot continue putting 110 million tons of global warming pollution…
Losing Faith in the Electorate
His latest gambit is to impose a pan-Canadian carbon tax to combat “global warming” that will cost the average Canadian in the vicinity … The fact that global warming is non-existent—as anyone who has troubled to do a little serious research would recognize—counts for…
University Raked in Millions of Taxpayer Dollars With Fake Climate Research Scheme…ayer-dollars-with-fake-climate-change-research-scheme-n48645…ayer-dollars-with-fake-climate-change-research-scheme-n48645
University receives overwhelming amount of attention for showing a clear link between the burning of fossil fuels and rising global … This attention leads the university to receive millions in public grants to continue its studies into anthropogenic global warming, … East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit and the hacked emails that, in 2009, revealed that researchers faked climate data to create a global…
Kerry: 'It Pisses Me Off' That Climate Change Got Left Out of Presidential Debates…climate-change-got-left-out-of-presidential-debates-n104945…climate-change-got-left-out-of-presidential-debates-n104945
documentary “Before the Flood,” Kerry said that “maybe November 8th will produce a capacity for the entire Republican caucus” to see the global-warming…
Exxon Fighting Back Against Dem AG Climate Change Witch Hunters
Common sense is not a strong point of the global warming crowd.…
Trump Ditches Press for Dinner, Tantrums Ensue
16, 2016
NBC News, which just spent two years carrying enough water for Hillary Clinton to make the sea levels rise without global … warming, was suddenly worried about “transparency.”…
John Oliver Tells Audience: In Wake of Trump Win, Donate to Planned Parenthood…ce-in-wake-of-trump-win-donate-to-planned-parenthood-n165288…ce-in-wake-of-trump-win-donate-to-planned-parenthood-n165288
If you don’t believe man-made global warming is a silly issue, donate to the National Resources Defense Council.…
Fake News
Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global … If immediately after Al Gore gives a speech on Global Warming a blizzard frequently strikes what conclusions will the audience invariably … This book rejects the view of modern Middle Eastern history as an offshoot of global power politics.…
Another Quiet Tornado and Hurricane Season. Al Gore Hardest Hit
Of course, the fact that the historical record in the U.S. on cyclones only goes back 62 years is an issue the global warming alarmists … He tied global warming to Matthew — “from a tropical storm to a Category 5 hurricane in just 36 hours, that’s extremely unusual” — … Using this storm as proof of the effects of global warming, however, doesn’t pass muster.…
The Environmentalists Versus Trump
As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump criticized global warming as a “hoax,” threatened to withdraw from the Paris climate treaty … Now, as president-elect, he has appointed well-known energy realist and anthropogenic global warming skeptic Myron Ebell to head his … A generation of college students has graduated with the understanding that global warming is the most urgent, important issue of their…
Al Gore Has 'Extremely Interesting' Meeting With Donald Trump
Former Vice President Al Gore, a leading proponent of anti-global warming advocacy, met with President-elect Donald Trump and his … Post-Election Climate Stance
Trump, however, has been skeptical of climate change, calling it a “hoax” and tweeting in 2012 that global … warming was “created” by the Chinese.…
On World Soil Day, Dirt's Billion-Year History Proves Intelligent Design…dirts-billion-year-history-proves-intelligent-design-n96204…dirts-billion-year-history-proves-intelligent-design-n96204
But one element of climate alarmism that drives environmentalists crazy — global warming — is also essential for human life, Ross argued…