Results for: global warming
'Global Warming, Darling': Stewart, Romo, More Tell PJM Their 2016 Thoughts…darling-stewart-romo-more-tell-pjm-their-2016-thoughts-n6384…darling-stewart-romo-more-tell-pjm-their-2016-thoughts-n6384
“Global warming, darling. Look at what’s happening — so anyway, I’m serious. … Judd cited a speech Clinton gave at a Clinton Global Initiative event about the effect of toxic stress on a developing brain in a child…
Bill Whittle on the Class of 2015: 'Book Burners Afraid of Matches' (Video)
They proudly snapped a photo increasing their carbon footprint by planning to burn a book skeptical of today’s global warming mania…
The Fall of the House of Clinton
but creating a tax-free “philanthropy” to provide such corporate one-percent travel for the three Clintons (whether to lecture on global … warming or the unfair tax policies of the one-percent) is brilliant in the Medieval sense.…
CNN Enters New Round of Climate Panic
I’m not sure if this is a “new round” of climate panic, since “global warming” was introduced into the American vernacular by Al Gore … political purposes only, CNN neglected to say that the planet hasn’t warmed in over 15 years, or that the ‘science’ surrounding global-warming…
Jenner's Gender Exposes Leftist Nonsense
trumps the theory of evolution whereas leftists understand that Great Devil of Black Goo in ground rise up to destroy Mother Gaia in Global … Warming Apocalypse unless make big sacrifice of Constitution to Holy Government.…
Prepper Star Wisely Refuses to be Mocked By CNN, Turns Down TV Special
cooling/warming/climate change/climate chaos. … Planet” cartoon series on his sister network, TBS, As recently as 2008, he told Charlie Rose:
If steps aren’t taken to stem global … As Mark Hemingway quipped at the Corner back then, “If [Turner is] so afraid of global warming brought on by overpopulation, the better…
Day After Earth Day, New York Times Tacitly Admits Environment Fine, No Need to Panic
As the Professor likes to say, I’ll believe global warming is a crisis “when the people who keep telling me it’s a crisis start acting…
Obama Takes Cheap Shot at FL Gov. Rick Scott During Sparsely Attended Everglades Speech…ick-scott-during-sparsely-attended-everglades-speech-n200327…ick-scott-during-sparsely-attended-everglades-speech-n200327
So it was important for Obama to isolate and mock a powerful governor who doesn’t buy their hysterical claims about global warming…
El Estilo Paranoico! 'Univision News Prez Sees Those Opposed to Network’s Agenda as Nazis'
recently, the host of the CBS Evening News, picking up where Uncle Walter left off, when asked why he didn’t feature both sides of the global … warming debate in his presentation responded, “If I do an interview with [Holocaust survivor] Elie Wiesel, am I required as a journalist…
"Werewolf Cop" Interview: Torches & Pitchforks
You can crank out absolute blithering nonsense about global warming and feminism and get crowned king of Fantasy Land, but point out…
Mark Steyn Celebrates Earth Day (Just Kidding)
However, if you don’t already have a copy today — Earth Day — and are bracing for lectures about “global warming” at the office or…
Obama on Climate Change: 'I'm Not a Scientist, But I Know a Lot of Scientists'…ge-im-not-a-scientist-but-i-know-a-lot-of-scientists-n200704…ge-im-not-a-scientist-but-i-know-a-lot-of-scientists-n200704
“Despite a long list of unsubstantiated global warming claims, climate activists and environmental groups will cling to any extreme-weather … related headline to support their case for global warming and to instill the fear of global warming in the American people,” Sen. … And what the science says is that our planet is warming in such a way that it is going to increase drought, and it is going to increase…
Fiorina: 'Single Nation Will Make No Difference at All' on Climate Change, So Why Kill Jobs?…o-difference-at-all-on-climate-change-so-why-kill-jobs-n6358…o-difference-at-all-on-climate-change-so-why-kill-jobs-n6358
Fiorina explained that AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, focuses a huge amount of taxpayer funds and resources … emissions – I don’t want to get too graphic but you can imagine what I’m talking about – so that their emissions aren’t contributing to global … warming,” she said.…
Former UN SecGen: Eat Bugs, Peasant
(AP photo)
Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has a tasty way to beat global warming:
In an interview with The Guardian, Annan … called the global livestock industry “a major threat to the climate” and suggested insects as an alternative protein source to meat…
We Only Have Ten Years to Save the Planet From People Who Think It Only Has Ten Years Left
“25 Years Of Predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’” are collated by Michael Bastasch of the Daily Caller, which we’re happy … warming or face the consequences. … This might have been the kick off of the far left’s global warming tipoffs, and as Andrea Mitchell* of NBC admitted the following year…
Snowfalls Are Now Just a Thing of the Past
“UN scientists warn time is running out to tackle global warming — Scientists say eight years left to avoid worst effects,” screamed … But there could be as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global average rise of 2C or more. … Global cooling / warming / climate change / climate chaos was kept alive by old media from the first Earth Day in 1970 (which really…
Three Simple Facts that Scuttle the Global Warming Paradigm
Fighting global warming via private planes! … There has been no global warming for the last eighteen years and counting. … The grounds of testimony advancing the global warming dogma are brazenly suspect and, in many instances, spurious.…
Catholic Church Fooled by UN on Climate Change
, or even on whether warming or cooling lies ahead. … Geoph. explained:
Biofuels have stripped some 6.5% of the world’s grain from global food supply. … year (COP21) may be the last effective opportunity to negotiate arrangements that keep human-induced warming below 2 degrees C.…
The Morning Briefing: Harvey Pummels, NKorea Launches, ACLU Files and Much, Much More
Some have claimed Harvey is the consequence of “climate change” or “global warming.”…
Make Harvey a Catalyst for Something Good
warming or climate change or whatever the euphemism of the day might be. … Where Does Global Warming Come From?
If a relatively small version of Noah’s flood can’t do it, it’s hard to say what will. … And every one thousands of years before anthropogenic global warming was a figment of anyone’s imagination. Go figure.…
Al Gore Picked Wrong Year to Release 'Extreme Weather' Movie…gore-picked-wrong-year-release-extreme-weather-movie-n53154…gore-picked-wrong-year-release-extreme-weather-movie-n53154
Yet when EW events occur today, activists like Gore claim EW is increasing and it is due to man-made global warming. … warming and so lessen EW events. … Even the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change asserted in a 2012 report that a relationship between global warming…
Sixteen Years On
On September 10 America was inviolable and the global word on an unstoppable advance to an assured future. … If nothing else the seed of doubt in that once unshakable global world was planted that day. … in Barbados and New Caledonia, the bowerbird habitats of Australia, the ravaged mid-Atlantic coast after Hurricane Sandy and the warming…
Bill Nye the 'Fake Science' Guy Gets Schooled by Meteorologist on Hurricane Irma and Climate Change…by-meteorologist-on-hurricane-irma-and-climate-change-n53435…by-meteorologist-on-hurricane-irma-and-climate-change-n53435
“It’s the strength [of these hurricanes] that’s almost certainly associated with global warming,” Nye told Dan Rather in a radio interview … “Global warming and climate change are the same thing. … “In less than 5-minutes, you can read NOAA’s updated thinking on global warming in hurricanes & impress your friends,” Maue tweeted…
People Are the Design Margin
With the diversity and the national and global scale of the infrastructures we now depend on, this requires an unprecedented, multi-sector … in Barbados and New Caledonia, the bowerbird habitats of Australia, the ravaged mid-Atlantic coast after Hurricane Sandy and the warming…
The End of Containment?
are now at an existential moment, where North Korea must be confronted with a fundamental choice: Either it will face crippling global … in Barbados and New Caledonia, the bowerbird habitats of Australia, the ravaged mid-Atlantic coast after Hurricane Sandy and the warming…