Results for: disney world

The Plan So I Don't Waste the Last Year of My 20s
– Monday Bookshelf and Blogging Focus: Research the life, work, and ideas of Walt Disney to separate the wheat from the chaff. … The juxtaposition of Walt Disney on Monday, Robert Anton Wilson on Wednesday, and now Ayn Rand was not intentional. … How did Disney, Wilson, and Rand use the cultural work they created to shape themselves and America?…
Brave New World
– The world changes while we snore. … The more kids can’t pay for college, the more college looks like Disney World. … The world we knew is not the one we wake up to after a short nap.…
Which President Would Win A Fight to the Death?
– Jackson to Roosevelt forgotten presidential chain because U.S. federalism had not yet been compromised and the U.S. had yet to be a world … That’s Disney-level motivation. My 8th grade history teacher would have done this lesson back in the day.…
13 Weeks: Getting Animated
– A few days ago, PJ Lifestyle ran an excerpt from Leonard Mosely’s book Disney’s World, in which Walt Disney, in a letter to his partner … It’s like Disney must have felt — another 24 frames, another day’s work, and what did he have? Another lousy second of film.  …
The 13 Weeks Radical Reading Regimen
– When I’m finished with it then I’ll move on to a book more hostile to Disney, Richard Schickel’s The Disney Version: The Life, Times … , Art, and Commerce of Walt Disney.  … And Other Forbidden Disney Stories and please let me know what kinds of articles about Disney you’re interested in seeing him write…
5 Star Wars Games Which Need to Get Made Already
– So gamers may come to regard Disney since its acquisition of the Lucasfilm family of companies, including video game developer LucasArts … Practically effortless aside from some paper pushing among lawyers, the move would provide LucasArts (and parent company Disney) with … Related at PJ Tatler from Vodkapundit: Disney to Lucasarts: Drop Dead!…
'Evil Always Takes Advantage of Ambiguity.' - G.K. Chesterton
– Chris Queen on Disney Culture: The Evolution of EPCOT Through The Eyes of Preview Films Also Around the Web Thursday: Ben Shapiro … the trailer for the “Calvin & Hobbes” documentary Friday Dawn Reading: From page 172 of Leonard Mosley’s biography Disney’s World … I think we should phase him out.” — Roy Disney Friday Reflections: At the end of his presidency I wonder what Barack Obama will…
Walt Disney and the Fight for Mary Poppins
– Many writers and critics have suggested that the Disney Studios has cultivated such a rarefied image of Walt Disney that some people … immediately that it was Disney material. … How will they react to the portrayal of Walt Disney — and other legendary Disney figures?…
'If You Want To Send A Message, Use Western Union'
– Like the ones at Disney who charge 3-year-olds $89 for a day’s admission to the Magic Kingdom. … At the end of his article, Smith notes: Every summer the Brad Pitts of the world have to relearn the wisdom of MGM mogul Sam Goldwyn…
Who Are Disney's Most Evil Villains?
– This time last year, I wrote a piece on the appeal of the Disney villains. … …to many Disney fans, the villains are just…well…cooler. […] The villains put on the best show — and they make the fantasy world … The most harmful evil traits among the Disney villains match up well with the evils of the real world — tyranny, false hope, dependence…
Malcolm X: 'The Jew Cries Louder Than Anybody Else If Anybody Criticizes Him.'…s-louder-than-anybody-else-if-anybody-criticizes-him-n146304
– penetrate the fog of the future, I keep reminding myself that we are in a big war, and that the big war is very similar to the Second World … Lifestyle Featured on PJ Home Page on Friday: Rhonda Robinson: Restoring Our Judeo-Christian Culture Chris Queen: Forgotten Walt DisneyWorld: River Country Walter Hudson:BREAKING: Sex May Result in Children Though atheistic, Rand condemned a few choices as sin, including…
Pixar's Alternate Universe?
– For me, it’s Disney culture (don’t act so shocked), college sports, and Star Wars. … Of course the world of Cars has been overtaken by pollution. That explains the open blue skies and clean car world perfectly! … But what about Boo, the girl who ventures into the monster world era in Monsters Inc.?…
Weiner's Wild Women: Are Sydney Leathers and Huma Abedin His Succubi?
– When used in a positive and holy way, there is nothing more powerful and valuable in the world. … Chris Queen: Forgotten Walt Disney World: If You Had Wings Charlie Martin: The Earth From a Great Height Also Around the Web Thursday … It’s time we started seeing the world more in the context of where we really emerged.…
Forgotten Walt Disney World: If You Had Wings
– We remember some retired Walt Disney World attractions for their revolutionary ideas or innovative layout and presentation, while … When Walt Disney World opened in October 1971, Tomorrowland was not complete, and the company looked for attractions to fill in certain … The fingerprints of If You Had Wings found their way on to other Walt Disney World attractions at Epcot.…
'His Father Urged Him to Study Marxism, But Valentin Preferred Science.'…him-to-study-marxism-but-valentin-preferred-science-n146229
– Chris Queen: Walt Disney And The Fight For Mary Poppins Kathy Shaidle: Yippie-Kay-25th-Birthday Die Hard When I was single and … This is the world in which we now live: a Hispanic man kills a black boy, likely in self-defense, and the media portray the killing … Finally, from page 202: Quote of Note: “We are dreamers and world-shapers, and in fairly short order we will reshape the heavens…
Answering Objections to Homeschooling Teens
– high school, most have spent a great deal of time in adult settings, where they learned to interact with the community in the “real world … Liberty Kids whenever I was sick with a migraine, and my younger son laments that he’s the only kid he knows who hasn’t seen all the Disney
Piper Chapman: Dislike-able Protagonist AND Future Heroine?
– dislike-able protagonist is what gives Orange some spice and sets the stage for a possible transformation in Piper’s conduct and world-view … Piper-The-Perfect-Princess would win over all the inmates in proper, Disney Princess fashion and rehabilitate them into perfect people … —and needs to realize the world isn’t always a happy, Kate Spade clutch. She’s also a total ditz. …
First We Define Anti-Americanism, Then We Crush It Again Even Harder
– Politics Istanbul Intrigues The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East Modern Dictators: Third World … The 2012 Disney flop reportedly cost $300 million to make. … Disney could have just bought the Post and, well, they’d still have lost money.…
Muslim Brotherhood Operatives Have Infiltrated America's Political and Cultural Institutions to Conquer Us from Within…and-cultural-institutions-to-conquer-us-from-within-n146398
– And I would say the vast majority of Biblical scholars would agree that the illiteracy rates in Jesus’s world were somewhere around … “The first reason I am writing this book is to tell the world we never forget our heroes and the second reason is to tell [everyone … He says it is against the terrorism culture so often expressed in the Islamic world.…
Walt Disney's 'Boys': Beautiful Music, Brotherly Disharmony
– “It’s A Small World.” “Chim Chim Cher-ee.” “Let’s Get Together.” “Tall Paul.” “There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow.” … Though they did not work exclusively for Disney, their work for the Mouse is their most well-known. … years before working for other producers and studios – along with Disney – in later years.…
3 Weapons to Win the Culture War, Courtesy of Roger Kimball
– Whereas the foreign-policy scholars provide important analysis for making sense of the world, these next four writers are each in the … ‘Elevated Its Charges’ Against Swartz Because Internet Community Rallied on His Behalf Michael Walsh: Obama, the Media, and Dog World … The Rosenbergs provided military and atomic information to the Soviet Union of Joseph Stalin, both during the years of World War II…
The Price We Pay for Our Ignorance of Military History Is Dead Americans…our-ignorance-of-military-history-is-dead-americans-n146501
– Goldman perpetually provide clear-eyed analysis illuminating world events. … What made the end of World War II definitive was the purging of the mindsets that had occasioned it. … Simple Principles of a Judeo-Christian Diet Saved My Family Charlie Martin: The Tomato on My Desk Is Ticking Chris Queen: Walt Disney
9 Politically Incorrect Secrets to Keep Your Daughter from Twerking
– to a club and everyone is simulating sex on the dance floor, perhaps she will remember Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world … However, if her dream is becoming a Disney pop star, steer her toward something far less damaging like quilt-making or debate team. … Disney has turned into a slut factory.…
What We Taught Our Boys About Girls Like Miley Cyrus
– Our kids “missed out” on the Disney Channel, the Cartoon Network, and other stations aimed at the younger demographic. … not only to protect our kids from exposure to these things when they were young and impressionable, but also to prepare them for a world … But I’m confident that our sons won’t be the guys leering and twerking along with the Miley Cyruses of the world.…
You Heard It Here First
– Camille Paglia writes in Time: The Cyrus fiasco, however, is symptomatic of the still heavy influence of Madonna, who sprang to world … Pop is suffering from the same malady as the art world, which is stuck on the tired old rubric that shock automatically confers value … Related: “The most disturbing thing about this ex-Disney star’s sordid routine? My teenage daughter’s blasé reaction.”…
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