Results for: disney world

5 Attractions I Wish Were Still At Walt Disney World
– As someone who has traveled to Walt Disney World more times than I can count, I’ve seen attractions come and go. … The Disney Dining site (a terrific site fill of great tips and fun list posts) recently produced their list of ten Walt Disney WorldDisney closed the submarine ride in 1994, but they didn’t fill in the lagoon for a few years.…
Royal Role Models
– Just like with the rest of our family, Disney plays a huge part in the girls’ lives. … The girls love the Disney Princesses, and they want to emulate them. … But in the meantime, I’m glad they’re learning the values that the Disney Princesses – and other Disney film characters – teach, because…
Netflix's House of Cards, Season 1: Becky Graebner's Guide
– Not quite — but I do blame Disney. … I fault Disney and the creation of the thing we call a “Cinderella story.” … Hey, it’s what we are all hoping for in our Disney-loving hearts.  …
Ukraine Is Hopeless ... but Not Serious
– The whole market capitalization of its stock exchange is worth less than the Disney Company. … rent-a-mob demonstrators paid by Ukrainian oligarchs to the sort of hoodlums who think the other side should have won the Second World
PJ Media Symposium: Will Ted Cruz Be a Plus or Minus for Republicans in the Midterm Elections?
– Walsh has achieved the writer’s trifecta: two New York Times best-sellers, a major literary award winner and the co-writer of the Disney … It’s much more likely they will be asking themselves, “Who is Ted Cruz and why in the world am I thinking about him?’’…
Disney Raises Theme Park Ticket Prices Again
–   Over the weekend, Disney Parks announced a ticket price increase for Walt Disney World, effective this week. … The fact of the matter is that dyed-in-the-wool Disney fans and other guests who really want to visit Walt Disney World will suck it … Even with the increased admission, Disney World still provides a tremendous value.…
How Glenn Beck Wants to Shape the Culture
– The item that most inspires him right now is a prospectus of Disney World, hand-colored by Walt Disney himself, which he has propped … A year ago, he distributed a biography of Disney to the members of his staff. … Fans of Walt Disney will recognize this philosophy.…
9 Secrets to Keep Your Daughter From Becoming a Slut
– to a club and everyone is simulating sex on the dance floor, perhaps she will remember Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world … However, if her dream is becoming a Disney pop star, steer her toward something far less damaging like quilt-making or debate team. … Disney has turned into a slut factory. 4. Teach her real feminism. Today’s feminists do nothing but harm women at every turn.…
How Conservatives Can Conquer Hollywood
– What did Disney do to make his name synonymous with a new art form? … The actual reality of the world is that the majority of the world lives in a state of slavery under some combination of lawless dictator … My father’s father was a pilot who flew in the Pacific during World War II.…
Disney's Billion Dollar Theme Park Gamble
– Guests travel to Walt Disney World seeking the ultimate vacation experience, and Disney continues to develop new ways to deliver the … Disney has high hopes for MyMagic+, but so far many guests aren’t sold on the idea. … The new system, while letting guests at Disney hotels book reservations months in advance via the My Disney Experience app and website…
45 of PJ Lifestyle's Best List Articles from 2013
– Becky Graebner: 4 Ways Being a Sorority Girl Prepared Me for the Real World 48. … Chris Queen: 5 Underrated Disney World Attractions You Shouldn’t Skip 37.…
BREAKING: Disney Parks Will Thaw Out Cryogenically Frozen Walt Disney For One Weekend Only…ryogenically-frozen-walt-disney-for-one-weekend-only-n151163
– cryogenically frozen body of Walt Disney to make appearances at both American theme parks. … “We’re thrilled to announce that Walt will come back to life this summer at Disney Parks,” said Iger. … We’ll fly him to Orlando over night, and he’ll appear at Walt Disney World on Sunday, July 6.”…
PJ Lifestyle's Top 50 List Articles of 2013
– Becky Graebner: 4 Ways Being a Sorority Girl Prepared Me for the Real World 48. … Chris Queen: 5 Underrated Disney World Attractions You Shouldn’t Skip 37. … Chris Queen: 10 Books Every Disney Fan Should Read 18. J.…
10 Books Every Disney Fan Should Read
– Began, which was his 25th-anniversary history of Walt Disney World (and which he has sadly not updated or reprinted). … that would become Walt Disney World. … christened it Walt Disney World) fell under state and county jurisdiction, so Disney took advantage of a somewhat obscure provision…
Three Days of the Captain
– newly freed from the block of ice in which he has been frozen since the end of the war, must now deal with his failure to rid the world … And now its makers—in this case, the gentlemen behind Marvel Studios, the Disney-owned behemoth—have had enough, in the same way that … also seems like yet another attempt by Hollywood to reduce World War II down to meaningless nihilism.…
7 Bad Reasons to Send Your Teens to Public Schools
– high school, most have spent a great deal of time in adult settings, where they learned to interact with the community in the “real world … Liberty Kids whenever I was sick with a migraine, and my younger son laments that he’s the only kid he knows who hasn’t seen all the Disney
Lucasfilm to Partially Reboot Star Wars
– So when Disney acquired the Star Wars brand in 2012 and announced plans to produce Episodes VII, VIII, and IX set in a time period … What would the James Bond films look like if they never recast the character or updated his world?…
23 Books for Counterculture Conservatives, Tea Party Occultists, and Capitalist Wizards…rvatives-tea-party-occultists-and-capitalist-wizards-n142967
– Archetypal Example: Walt Disney. … It was during this bloody transition from the Medieval world of the inquisition to the modern world of the Bill of Rights that the … Liberal Justice: “In the world of the liberal, as in the world of Robespierre, there are no crimes, only criminals.”…
Disney Buys LucasFilm For $4.05 Billion
– via DISNEY TO ACQUIRE LUCASFILM LTD. | The Walt Disney Company. … , The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) has agreed to acquire Lucasfilm Ltd. in a stock and cash transaction. … Iger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company.…
Build the Death Star Now
– But we could have at least partial offsets by loaning out the Death Star to Disney who recently purchased Lucasfilms and hence, the … Disney is planning another 3-6 Star Wars epics as we speak. … Maybe they could update Mickey Mouse and turn him into a Sith Lord, wreaking havoc on the Disney cartoon universe.…
War's Paradoxes: From Pearl Harbor to the Russian Front to the 38th Parallel
– The growing isolationism of the United States that had been championed by the likes of icons like Walt Disney and Charles Lindbergh … Hitler, just to be sure, took no chances and assembled the largest invasion force the world had yet seen, over three million Germans … the American effort nonetheless jumpstarted the South, which eventually evolved into a nation with consensual government and the world
Dana Milbank Chides Mitt Romney for Not Riding to the Rescue of the Country that Just Rejected Him…to-the-rescue-of-the-country-that-just-rejected-him-n175410
– Romney went into “seclusion” by showing up at Disney World, having lunch with the president, and then by joining the board of Marriott…
At Christmastime, We Celebrate Mankind's Inherent Dignity
– The old world doesn’t end all at once: It just dies a little bit every day. … It’s sort of a retail version of Disney World — or perhaps The Village from Patrick McGoohan’s The Prisoner TV series. … Update: Popular culture may wallow in the merde-filled gutter, but fortunately, in sharp contradistinction, we can always turn to the world
Are Chinese Mothers Superior?
– ourselves in the midst of almost incomprehensible global changes, with a president seemingly determined to hand over the reins of world … Our thinking only works in Walt Disney animated movies. … The Chinese are preparing themselves to win in the real world — where there is another Chinese kid around every corner trying to outwork…
All Hail, Lord Steve! (Thank God, I didn't sell my Apple stock)
– company, reaching $26.74 billion in revenue with a net quarterly profit of $6 billion… Mac sales almost 8 times IDCs estimate for world … As for Lord Steve, well, as you know, he maintains an interest in movies via Pixar and Disney. Guess what?…
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