YOU KNOW, I BOUGHT A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE FINANCIAL TIMES, but unimpressive reporting like this from Sheila McNulty and Dan Dombey makes me wonder if my money is being well-spent. The story talks about soaring U.S. gun sales, but fails to mention fears of an Obama gun/ammunition control initiative (spurred by Eric Holder’s remarks) and then repeats the Mexican gun canard. Plus, policy quotes are all from regulators or gun-control groups. Honestly, I can get this kind of lazy and misleading stuff anywhere for free — no need to actually pay for it. In fact, the L.A. Times did a much better job on this story days ago, making clear that most of the weapons people are talking about don’t come from America, and particularly not from civilian gun shops, but from illicit military channels.

UPDATE: Reader Ben Wells writes:

I read the same story and had the same thoughts as you.

I find that the FT is very good on, well, finance.

Other subjects, not so much.

So it appears.