WHY DO LIBERALS GET SO MUCH EXACTLY BACKWARDS? Retired American Baptist minister Oliver Thomas writes in USAToday that the Christian church will become extinct if it doesn’t immediately reject the traditional view that scripture is inspired by God, and then admit that the Bible is wrong on sex, especially homosexuality.

But Glenn Stanton looks at the data in The Federalist and observes: “Yes, many churches are hemorrhaging members, and have been since the early 1970s. But anyone who studies these things carefully will tell you this is happening almost exclusively in the more politically and theologically liberal mainline churches. These are the same churches that are doing exactly what Thomas calls for: rejecting the credibility and authority of Scripture.”

And here’s the kicker, according to Stanton: “Research conducted jointly at Columbia University and the University of California at Los Angeles by scholars who are not shy about supporting gay politics found that gay- and lesbian-identified people are 2.5 times more likely to attend churches that took a more conservative view on Christianity (including homosexuality) than the so-called “welcoming and affirming” congregations that celebrate it.”

Go here for the rest of Stanton’s comprehensive refutation of the conventional liberal wisdom about same-sex relationships and conservative Christians.

Reagan was so right: “Our liberal friends know so many things that just aren’t so.”