THE LATEST STRATEGYTALK PODCAST: Jim Dunnigan and Al Nofi discuss Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs) in the South China Sea. Of course the U.S. Navy is the central subject. On a regular basis Navy destroyers sail past China’s “militarized sea features” (Pentagonese for China’s fake islands). But glory be. Uncle Sam isn’t alone. Several countries exercise freedom of navigation rights. For the record, Dr. Nofi is one of America’s top naval historians. He brings a special expertise to this subject. He worked for the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) for several years. StrategyPage’s editors are all historians. So, dig on some explanatory background. From 2016 a definition of FONOP. From July 2020, a look back at communist China’s slow invasion of the South China Sea. If you like the podcast, please subscribe.