POOR POOR PITIFUL IRANIAN DICTATORSHIP: This long post begins with this sentence: “Iran has had more than its share of setbacks recently.”

The post is chock-full of ayatollah setbacks and troubles, but here are a few examples:

The U.S. also noted that its current military posture in the Gulf had put an end to Iranian harassment of U.S. warships. There had been 22 of those incidents in 2015, 36 in 2016 but only 14 in 2017 and none so far in 2018. Iran has published some videos of 2018 harassment incidents but the Iranians are not nearly as bold as they were in the past and will back off quickly if challenged.

Now why would harassment incidents decline? I link, you decide.


The Iranian government continues to be challenged by its own people. The large anti-government demonstrations continue and opinion polls confirm that most Iranians are fed up with their government and want change.


Speaking of loyalty. Iran is finding less of it from its allies in Syria. Russia, Turkey and the Assad government see the continuing Israeli airstrikes on Iranian targets in Syria as a matter between Israel and Iran. The obsession with destroying Israel is seen as an Iranian weakness.

The post has more — worth the read.