LIBERAL SUPPORT FOR POLITICAL VIOLENCE IS GROWING: Wait a minute. Hold the phone! Isn’t that barbed wire and all those military vehicles and National Guardsman there to guard the Capitol from violent extremists supporting Donald Trump? So how can it be that the percentage of very liberal and liberal respondents to this poll who say “not at all” when asked if they view violence as an acceptable political tactic plummeted between 2016 and 2020?

“The survey found that 95.8 percent of ‘very conservative’ white respondents said violence should never be used to pursue a political ambition, which was up from 93.3 percent in 2016. ‘Conservative’ respondents were nearly identical, with 95 percent disavowing political violence in 2020 and 93.3 percent in 2016,” The Blaze reports.

“However, on the other end of the political spectrum, leftists are more likely to embrace political violence as a means to an end. According to the poll, only 66.5 percent of ‘very liberal’ white respondents said it was wrong to use violence to attain their political goals. That means that over a third of ‘very liberal’ Americans would justify using some or a ‘great deal’ of violence to pursue their political goals. In the 2016 survey, the percent of ‘very liberal’ respondents willing to endorse political violence was much higher at 86.9 percent.