IT’S THE RIGHT’S FAULT THE LEFT HAS SPENT DECADES CULTIVATING RACIAL HATRED: Nothing angers me more than hearing Lefty Loons claiming the Right is responsible for America’s growing racial divide, the riots and police brutality.

Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Mike Gonzalez was a foreign affairs reporter for 15 years before joining the conservative think tank, so he has seen up close what racial division almost always produces: conflict, more hatred, destruction of civil society.

That makes Gonzalez the perfect guy to review “Let Them Eat Tweets,” a new diatribe from a couple of academics that is a solid example of Left-wing blame-shifting. He reminds us that JFK started affirmative action in federal contracting, but it was LBJ who turned race-based hiring into a battering ram against equal justice.

“’Affirmative action’ came to mean the opposite: making hiring, contracting, and housing decisions with regard to race, sex, and national origin. These immutable characteristics thus became the alchemy of something new: officially designated minorities. To justify the benefits and the balkanization, activists instilled the members of such minorities with a sense of victimhood.”

And so here we are today. But the Right is wrong to assume demography is the problem, according to Gonzalez. Preservation of the culture of the melting pot is the solution — “Out of Many, One.” Sound familiar?