IF YOU CAN READ, THANK A BELIEVER: It’s a forgotten fact that universities, before the Left’s Long March into dominance of the classrooms and the academic bureaucracy, were very much the work of “Jesus Followers.” Four institutions that began in England in the 7th Century as Cathedral schools, for example, are still open today, the oldest continuously operating classrooms in the world.

In fact, according to J. Warner Wallace in his new book, “Person of Interest,” the concept of universal education and literacy is rooted in the idea that everybody should know how to read (and thus also write and think, hopefully, logically) in order to understand God’s Word.

Wallace lays out the long line of people, beginning in the ancient world with folks like Justin Martyr, Ignatius of Antioch and Augustine, then Benedict of Nursia, Cassiodorus and Charlemagne in the centuries following the fall of Rome, followed by Gutenberg, La Salle, Luther and Calvin and others in the Reformation and Enlightenment, and on into the modern era, with Thomas Gallaudet (for the deaf), Father Louis Braille (for the blind), and Freidrich Froebel (kindergarten).

It’s a fact from history that’s rarely mentioned these days. The true Philistines are those ripping out genuine learning, substituting mass-think ideology, and in the process bringing on a new Dark Age.