HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED IN SYRIA’S WAR?: Good question. This new report says 300,000. I’ve read reports that put the toll over 400,000. In early May StrategyPage editor Jim Dunnigan thought the “over 400,000” estimates were credible. I did, too. (Here is Jim’s analysis, dated May 6.) It is all but impossible to gather accurate statistics in a war zone, but there are groups that attempt to get the truth. Medical aid organizations and refugee relief groups are decent sources. Whatever the presice figure, Syria’s death toll has surpassed that in Bosnia in the 1990s. Syria is occurring on the Obama Administration’s watch. Remember, Bosnia was a genocide. Obama’s UN ambassador Samantha Power excoriated Bush for failing to stop the genocide in Sudan’s Darfur region. Responsibility To Protect, she said. Yes, that’s what she said.