FORMER OBAMA INTEL OFFICIAL HELPED BAIL MOLOTOV-TOSSING NYC LAWYER: Salmah Rizvi helped prepared the presidential daily briefing during the Obama years. More recently, according to the Washington Free Beacon (WFB), the former intel analyst signed as a guarantor of the $250,000 bail for lawyer Urooj Rahman.

“Rahman was released to home confinement over the objections of government attorneys after her arrest on Saturday for throwing a lit Molotov cocktail through the window of an NYPD vehicle. Evidence presented by prosecutors included images of Rahman holding a Molotov cocktail in the passenger seat of a van that was later found to be full of the necessary materials for making the explosive devices,” WFB reports.

But why the hub-bub? Doesn’t the First Amendment guarantee rioters and looters “protesting” racial injustice the right to toss Molotov Cocktails into police cars? I mean, it’s a civil liberties issue, right … right?