FIVE THINGS THE ABORTION INDUSTRY DOESN’T WANT WOMEN TO KNOW: Kim Ketola explains in LifeZette why, to cite just one of her five examples, 100 percent of abortions performed at home (i.e. abortion pills) are fatal to at least one human being. But that’s just the beginning because there is also this, which Ketola says pro-abortion media like Women’s Health don’t dare mention:

“At no point does Women’s Health tell its readers their regular doctor won’t likely cooperate with their plan, and that the provider they do see will not likely treat them if there are complications. And isn’t it just a little misleading to reassure women about having an abortion in the comforts of their home — while not warning them they will have to deal with the ‘remains?'”

There’s just no other way to deal with what’s left of the dead baby: “That will involve either retrieving the fetus from the toilet or soiled linen, and/or making the devastating decision to flush.”

And no, I am not mansplaining. Just reporting.