DALLAS VISITS GEORGIA: The nation, not the state. This is an old photo, from 2008. It turned up when I was searching for photos of Coast Guard vessels — really looking for an icebreaker, not a cutter. Then I read the caption. According to the caption, the cutter Dallas was delivering humanitarian aid to Georgia as the Russo-Georgia War of 2008 sputtered and lapsed. As aid to Venezuela stacks up on the country’s border, I thought the old photo had a kind of immediate relevance. Unlike Venezuela 2019, humanitarian aid deliveries to Georgia 2008 arrived and were distributed. But then Georgia wasn’t run by radical socialists who starve their own people and the country had been at war with Russia. Maduro’s Venezuela is run by radical socialists who starve their own people and are at war with their own people — and their regime is supported by Russia.