CAPTAIN AMERICA WILL DIE IN ‘ENDGAME:’ If you are under 25 years of age, or you are a Boomer who recognizes the Marvel Comics-based series of 22 movies in the past 10 years, then you know instantly what this is about. And you are eagerly awaiting “Endgame.”

I’m neither under 25 nor a Boomer who read comics as a kid — I was instead reading boring stuff like Goldwater’s “Conscience of a Conservative,” at least after giving up on ever becoming the Yankees’ shortstop — but today I pay close attention to what our culture is doing. And trust me, these movies are significant, culturally, socially and politically.

Dr. Sean McDowell, the Biola University professor of apologetics, has followed the Marvel series movies closely and he makes a highly persuasive case today that Captain America will be the sacrificial hero in “Endgame.” He doesn’t say it in this video but I have a sneaking suspicion McDowell will eventually also point out a spiritual element.