GO EAST, YOUNG MAN: “Occasionally, whenever one of us Samizdata scribes writes about events in the UK, such as loss of civil liberties, or the latest financial disasters perpetrated by the government, or crime, or whatnot, there is sometimes a comment from an expatriate writer, or US citizen in particular, suggesting that we moaners should pack our bags, cancel the mail and come on over to America. . . . But considering what might happen if Obama wins the White House and the Dems increase or retain their hold on Congress, I also wonder whether we might encounter the example of enterprising Americans coming to Britain, not the other way round.” Hmm. I just turned down an offer to teach at Cambridge this summer — maybe I should reconsider, as at least I could reconnoiter a bit . . . .

UPDATE: Rand Simberg says don’t go East, go Up. And James Bennett emails:

If Stephen Harper carries out his tax-cutting plans, and the Canadian Supreme Court decision permitting private provision of medical services is implemented, and Obama carries out his likely agenda in taxation and health care, Canada (Alberta, anyway) may end up having lower taxes and freer health care than the USA. Also, the “Human Rights” Tribunals have gone on the defensive, whereas who knows what Obama-Pelosi-Reid may bring in terms of “Fairness” Doctrine, internet regulation, etc.

Personally, I think I’ll stay in Tennessee.