ON PAJAMAS TV, Roger Simon and Joe Hicks talk about Bill Ayers and Obama. This low-rez Flash version should work for nonsubscribers. Meanwhile, the Obama Campaign is responding with a Keating video, which leads Megan McArdle to comment:

The problem Obama’s critics have is not that he once spent some time talking to Bill Ayers; it’s that he refuses to apologize for it now. That refusal to apologize is why the charge has proven hard to counter. You can argue that it isn’t a big deal, but you can’t argue it isn’t true, and unfortunately for Obama, some voters think it is a really big deal.

If I were the McCain campaign, I would be throwing a hell of a lot of resources into making my own video. They have an actual factually accurate and coherent narrative about how McCain has spent the last 20 years atoning for the Keating 5; I would tell that story. I would ask why Obama is choosing to bring up this 20 year old scandal without mentioning that McCain has repeatedly regretted it. And then I would throw in Ayers and Rezko and ask when Obama’s going to apologize for his lapses in judgement.

But will they? Meanwhile, some people can’t tell the players without a scorecard. (Via Lawhawk).