MICHAEL SILENCE is unimpressed with the state of academic tolerance today.

UPDATE: A different take from TigerHawk:

Now, I do think that the common lefty idea that Tom Friedman is some sort of right-wing stooge reveals far more about common lefties than it does about Friedman, who — thoughtful as he is — is himself well to the left of the American center. But, the throwing of pies at speakers on college campuses has a long and storied history going back generations. Not only is it funny in a “Three Stooges” way, but it has the advantage of being fundamentally not serious. Far better to toss a pie with a smile than to work oneself up into an indignant rage over some theoretical affront, which is the usual tactic of both left and right in what passes for civil society these days.

I agree, unless I’m wearing Canali or Brioni. Then it ‘s war.