AIRBRUSHING REPORTED at Charles Schumer’s website. Apparently, he’s reconsidered his comments about the troops, and hopes people will forget them. (More here).

Plus, has MoveOn betrayed the Democratic Party? “Now, with the ‘General Betray Us’ campaign, those Democrats again face the question: Do they dare to cross MoveOn? Not long after the 2004 elections, Pariser famously said of Democrats, ‘Now it’s our party. We bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back.’ The next few days could be crucial in determining whether he was right or not.” I think a lot of Democrats should be asked about the “General Betray Us” ad, and MoveOn, in public forums. I suppose General Petraeus would think it impolite to bring the subject up in his testimony, though it would be amusing to see him asking officeholders who’ve gotten MoveOn money if they think he’s a traitor . . . .