ANOTHER SATISFIED READER: My earlier post on the Braun Pulsonic razor produced this email from reader Ross Woolsey:

Just a quick note. I am a regular reader, but, sadly, am of an entirely different political persuasion. I enjoy reading you because I don’t feel as if I am being slapped around for having a different political viewpoint. Plus, I especially enjoy the occasional posts and pictures about life in the college town of Knoxville.

But, to the matter at hand. I noticed your post re the article in Popular Mechanics about the new Braun Pulsonic electric razor. Sight unseen, I ordered one through Amazon. (How dumb is that?) It has arrived, and it is absolutely a fantastic product. I have bought, tried, and discarded, electric razors time and again in the past, because they didn’t give as close a shave and they stung my face. Not so the Pulsonic. It really is a terrific shaver, and has made reading all the posts that are so crossways from my own views well worth it!

Politics is politics, but a good shave is a good shave. And, like the Braun, I try to be smooth and non-irritating. If I don’t succeed as often, well, InstaPundit is also a lot cheaper . . . .

UPDATE: Sorry, but I can’t recommend this “ultimate head-shaving razor” from personal experience. It just showed up when I visited the Pulsonic page and I couldn’t resist checking it out. With it are a whole bunch of specialty head-shaving products, a whole shaving-world with which I have no experience, and had never really thought about before. Plus, special shaved-head sunscreen!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Eric Kuttner emails a warning:

I decided to start shaving my head last October, and can tell you that the HeadBlade sucks. I heard about how wonderful it was on the net and finally found it after checking out a few stores. I thought it was supposed to eliminate the possibility of nicking yourself, but at least on my head it does the opposite. When I first got it, it didn’t seem to shave my head as well as the Gillette Fusion, and I put it aside. A few weeks back I thought I’d give it another try, and boy was I sorry! — I gave myself three big nicks on my head and they took a while to heal up. I’d recommend the Fusion, which has never nicked me.

Funny how I got caught up in the whole shaved head look, which seems to have exploded in popularity fairly recently (at least in New York). It’s almost a bit puzzling to myself, though I can think of a number of contributing factors for why I decided to do it. It wasn’t something I particularly thought about doing for any duration of time, but one day I felt that I wanted to try something different and off the hair went. First I went for a buzz cut, but I thought — “I went this far…why not go all the way?” and then shaved it all off. I was a bit ambivalent about the look at first, but now I think I prefer it, although it is very labor-intensive to keep up. It takes me about 15 extra minutes in the shower every morning to shave my head. No, I don’t have to shave every day, but after one day’s growth, my head feels like sandpaper, and I hate that.

One thing that’s really nice about having a shaved head: you never have to worry again about losing your hair or going grey, which was definitely part of my motivation (though I haven’t lost that much hair or gone very grey yet — but it’s starting). A shaved head makes for a smoother aging transition, as well as a smoother head.

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where, Elaine was dating the guy with the shaved head. She talked him into growing it out, but it turned out that he had gone bald during all the shaved years without really knowing it. Then she dumped him because she didn’t want to date a bald buy . . . .