DISINTERESTED JOURNALISM: John McCain heckled by CNN reporter.

Ah, professionalism.

UPDATE: Hard to argue: “Michael Ware’s behavior here is flat out unprofessional. If CNN keeps him on staff after this incident, that says something, doesn’t it?”

ANOTHER UPDATE: John Tabin: “Heckling at a press conference is very rude, and wouldn’t be acceptable even from an opinion journalist (I wouldn’t dream of laughing in Nancy Pelosi’s face during a press conference). That said, isn’t it better when guys like Ware let their biases hang out, rather than embedding them in reports that are ostensibly objective?”

Wouldn’t it be better still if they just did an honest job of doing, you know, their jobs?

And if a blogger had done this, wouldn’t the usual CJR types be tugging their beards and talking about the dangers of admitting unwashed, unprofessional blogger-types to press conferences? ‘Cause bloggers can’t be trusted to behave properly around the grownups the way professional journalists can. . . .

MORE: Reader Patrick Carroll emails:

We’ve seen things like this a few times in recent years. Take, for example, “The Khmer Rouge Canon 1975-1979: The Standard Total Academic View on Cambodia” (http://jim.com/canon.htm).

Basically, a consensus forms about what should be the standard view on an issue, after which all reporting supports the view, and all dissidence is treated to screaming anathema. I call this current doctrine, this current dogma, the “Standard Total Journalistic View of Iraq”.

The STJVI is that we’ve lost. We’re screwups. We deserve the world’s hatred. Iraq cannot be saved. John McCain’s failure to toe the line got him the screaming anathema.

This is going to get worse, you know.

Hmm. There’s a developing standard view on journalists and the war, too.

MORE: Ware denies the heckling, and he’s got video. Looks like Drudge got burned, as, to a lesser degree, did those of us who relied on him.