ABOUT THE ANY-MEANS-ALL FALLACY OF THE LEFT: It’s a commonplace argument from advocates on the Left and in the Mainstream Media, especially among those seeking to force everybody to pay for benefits awarded to a few on the basis of group identity.

Consider Chad Felix Greene’s description in The Federalist today of a recent claim by LBGT advocates concerning a Catholic hospital refusal to perform a certain procedure:

“It is preposterous to jump from a surgeon working in a Catholic hospital refusing to perform an elective hysterectomy on a perfectly healthy female body to arguing that an emergency room worker would deny life-saving care to a transgender person in a car accident. But LGBT people and media constantly conflate the two.”

The occasion for Greene’s analysis is the Trump administration’s proposed rule recognizing sex biologically rather than the Obama administration’s previous “gender identity.” Greene’s point has application across virtually the entire social issue horizon.