OPERATION DEM RESCUE: The St. Louis Tea Party will defend Democrats who vote “no” on Obamacare.

Meanwhile, Tennessee’s Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen tells Tenn. delegation the state can’t afford ObamaCare. And here’s a target list.

UPDATE: A Tea Party reader emails:

There is going to be a video town hall tonight night in Pittsburgh from 7 to 9 with Bachmann and other brave conservatives . The NRCC is hosting and the Pittsburgh Tea party movement are coming in mass to this .Congressman Jason Altmire is on the fence between “yes and no” , there hasn’t been a ton of love between Pittsburgh Tea party and the RNC , but today they are fighting a common enemy .

Altmire is going to be under grass roots pressure all day at his offices , tonight our girl Bachmann will bring more pain . This event breaks those long standing rules of “don’t mess with my district” , small aspects like this can be the difference between a yes and a hell no vote . Lets once again help the folks on the front lines , we are hitting critical times where every single vote will count .

Stay tuned.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Dee Grant emails:

Hey there Prof. Reynolds!

FYI, I’m an Illinois resident who just tried to contact Melissa Bean to say vote “no.” Her DC line was busy; your readers in the 8th Congressional District might want to ring her home legislative office at 847-517-2927.

I asked the flunky who answered the phone (1) why anyone would believe this bill would be constitutional; (2) why she had a problem voting “no” on principle; and (3) why she wanted to make it even more expensive for me as a small business owner to employ people in her district as a consequence. He just kept robotically repeating, “she hasn’t made a decision, she still is reading the bill.”

Well, she won’t be voting at all, then, given its length . . . .