TEA PARTY UPDATE: Okay, I was busy this weekend in Quincy and didn’t have time to cover all the tea parties going on outside of Washington, DC and, of course, Quincy. But there were a lot. Here’s a picture from El Cajon, California, sent by reader Josh Swanson:


Reader Thom Stratton writes from Boise, Idaho: “I decided at the last minute today to take my kids to the Tea Party rally here in Boise. We were a little late, but joined the crowd marching down Capital Blvd. toward the park across from the capital bldg. I’m not good with guesses, but I’d estimate at least 1-2,000 people there. My kids, aged 4, 6, and 8 thought the “parade” was great fun, but got bored quickly when the speeches started. Still, it got my 8-year-old daughter interested in what’s going on, so I was able to explain some things to her. I’ve never been to any type of political rally or demonstration before. I’m going to make sure it’s not my last. Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera so I could send you some pics. I’d planned to, but getting three young kids ready and into the car is a trick in itself. Still, between myself and the camera, I’d say it was better that I got myself there.”

And luckily, reader Jim Verdolini was there and sent this pic:


And here’s a blog report from Lakeland, Florida. I’m sure there are more — please send me links to anything that deserves attention.

Meanwhile, here’s some video from L.A.