WASHINGTON POST: Power of Stimulus Slow to Take Hold: Rising Joblessness Blunts President’s Plan for Recovery. Well, at least it demonstrates that shoveling cash out to your political supporters doesn’t do much to boost employment. But here’s the pro-stimulus spin:

The measures we have taken have certainly prevented things from getting much worse.

That’s inspired Scott Ott to produce this stirring Democratic bumper sticker for 2010:


With a slogan like that, how can they lose?

UPDATE: Reader Tom Baker writes:


“The measures we have taken have certainly prevented things from getting much worse.”

I have been hearing this a lot lately from Obama voters. They assert, without any support whatsoever, that the “Stimulus” Bill is still a success because things would be much, much worse had it not been passed.

So, I guess they would agree that the invasion of Iraq was a success because it prevented another terrorist attack in the U.S.? They wouldn’t agree with that? BIG surprise….
