MICHAEL YON: Obama On Afghanistan: Disappointing. “The President’s words were disappointing. He talked about our goal to reach a force level of 134,000 Afghan soldiers and 82,000 police by 2011. This is not even in the neighborhood of being enough. Further, the increase of 21,000 U.S. troops is likely just a bucket of water on the growing bonfire. One can only expect that sometime in 2010, the President will again be forced to announce another increase in U.S. forces in Afghanistan.” Yon has been sounding the alarm on Afghanistan for over a year, so his thoughts are worth reading. He also notes that not everyone is as negative as he is.

Also, read this coverage at The Mudville Gazette.

UPDATE: Major Anti-War Groups Staying Quiet About (Or Supporting) Obama’s Afghan Escalation. “Liberal groups don’t want to distract from passing Obama’s enormous domestic agenda.”

You can always count on those guys to support the troops — as long as there’s a Democrat in the White House.