porkbustersnewsm.jpgPORKBUSTERS UPDATE: RELABELING EARMARKS to get around Obama’s no-earmarks rule. “They may not be called earmarks, but lawmakers are looking to write legislative formulas into the package to ensure that their districts share in the wealth and won’t simply be at the mercy of Washington’s bureaucracy or the nation’s governors. House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) is leading the effort, personally lobbying Obama, top Obama adviser David Axelrod and committee chairmen on the issue last week. Clyburn said numerous Members, particularly freshmen, are concerned that they could sign on to a massive package with nothing to show for their districts. . . . The Majority Whip said he doesn’t fault Obama for trying to eliminate earmarks from the bill. “I know the politics of all this. I just think they’re wrong about it,” he said, adding later, ‘I love earmarks.'”

So will Obama let them get away with this — making it plain that his no-earmark promise was bogus — or will he try to impose some discipline?

If he lets them get away with this, it’ll be fair to characterize the “stimulus” bill as a big porkfest and not much more. Pigs at the trough — with Barack Obama as Hog-Slopper-in-Chief. Not an auspicious beginning . . . .