ANN ALTHOUSE IN The New York Times:

As long as we’re appreciating irony, let’s consider the irony of emphasizing the importance of holding one branch of the federal government, the executive, to the strict limits of the rule of law while sitting in another branch of the federal government, the judiciary, and blithely ignoring your own obligations.

Read the whole thing.

UPDATE: Judicial Watch is claiming a conflict of interest.

And Ann thinks that some people are missing the point.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Orin Kerr isn’t very impressed with Judicial Watch’s complaints: “I don’t think Judge Taylor wrote a good opinion, but I think it’s very far-fetched and rather insulting to her to suggest that her opinion was influenced by some kind of actual conflict of interest.”

I suspect that’s right, though it’s probably true that if this case involved a conservative judge and the NRA we’d be hearing more about it.