ADVANTAGE: INSTAPUNDIT. Mysterious Link Between Vitamin D And COVID-19 Reaffirmed in ‘Striking’ New Findings. “Israeli scientists said they found ‘striking’ differences in the chances of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 when they compared patients who had sufficient vitamin D levels prior to contracting the disease, with those who didn’t.”

Flashback: Prediction: The Wuhan coronavirus will turn out to be a disease primarily of Vitamin D deficiency and obesity.

Also: Vitamin D: Deficiency May Increase Coronavirus Infection Risk.

And: It is time to take seriously the link between Vitamin D deficiency and more serious Covid-19 symptoms.

How many lives could have been saved if, at the outset, governments encouraged people to take 2000 units a day of Vitamin D? But even suggesting that — despite ample evidence early on — got you treated like a crackpot. Because what’s in it for anyone if people take Vitamin D?