SLATE’S MARK JOSEPH STERN LAUNCHES A SMEAR ATTACK ON ILYA SHAPIRO: The Dishonest Cancellation Campaign against Ilya Shapiro.

I’m disappointed to see Georgetown Dean Bill Treanor throw Shapiro under the bus in the face of this sleazy attack, but given his past record in such affairs not entirely surprised. I understand a bunch of Georgetown alumni are angry and organizing, and I’m glad, because that’s what it takes to stop these things.

Meanwhile, Slate, which long ago was one of the best things online — and in many ways was the launching pad for InstaPundit — has gone to the dogs. Here’s some background on that.


ANOTHER UPDATE: From the comments: “Let’s be clear: Stern was just looking for any opportunity to attack someone more intelligent and successful for having the wrong opinions.”

To be fair, “more intelligent and successful” than Stern is a broad demographic.