MORE BAD 2022 NEWS FOR DEMS: The polls keep showing Democrats have gotten themselves profoundly out of sync with the American public, as NBC finds three-fourths of its respondents think the country is going “downhill,” while a Fox survey’s respondents ranked Republicans as better able by 15 or more points to handle national security, border security, immigration, the economy and crime.

Meanwhile, over at The Lid, Jeff Dunetz is wisely warning against counting chickens that ain’t yet hatched: “In 2016 and 2020, Republicans didn’t believe the polls because they are usually wrong and have favored the Democrats. So now that the polls predict a good year for Republicans, are we supposed to believe them now? Many Congressional Republicans believe them and are counting their chickens before they are hatched.”

And I’m old enough to remember what happened to the GOP in 1998, as seen on this from C-SPAN.