MASKS ARE THE NEW PRONOUNS: Media Meltdown Over Justice Sotomayor’s Failure to Cope with the Risk of Living. “The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire makes a good point. ‘Gorsuch’s refusal to wear a mask didn’t ‘force’ Sotomayor to work remotely. Sotomayor can also: 1. Quit or 2. Have remotely sane risk tolerance practices.’ Hear, hear.” 

UPDATE: Shannon Bream Busts Fake News From NPR: Gorsuch Spiteful on Masking.

But, as it turns out, what she was claiming about the supposed masking feud wasn’t true according to Bream’s inside source. “I am told that is not accurate,” she pointedly shot down [Nina Totenberg of NPR’s] claims after giving a fair summary of the report.

According to Bream’s source, “there has been no blanket admonition or request from Chief Justice Roberts that the other Justices begin wearing masks to arguments. The source further stated Justice Sotomayor did not make any such request to Justice Gorsuch.”

Thus, “given that fact, there was also no refusal by Justice Gorsuch.”

Exit quote: “Bream concluded by pointing out that every justice is vaccinated, boosted, and that they get tested before gathering for arguments.”

UPDATE (1/19/22): Sotomayor, Gorsuch dispute NPR report about masking feud in joint statement: ‘It is false.’

(Updated and bumped.)