ROGER SIMON: George Soros’ Many Gifts to the Republican Party.

Why am I thanking Soros? It should be obvious. The billionaire’s habit of opening his very deep pockets to elect “woke” district attorneys across the country has been remarkably successful. He, more than anyone, is personally responsible for the crime wave currently engulfing America with murder rates in our big cities the highest in decades.

That, as much as anything, is sending people out of the blue states on what is called in the country classic “Wagon Wheel,” “the Southbound Train.”

That the vast majority of those murders are black on black doesn’t seem to have deterred George (although he surely must know it because the statistics are widely available), nor does it appear to deter Alvin Bragg, the newly elected black Manhattan DA.

They—the mayor of Chicago, the DAs of Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Baltimore and many others—don’t seem to care about this. They apparently have other priorities. Like Black Lives Matter itself, they don’t seem to think black lives actually do matter. Power (theirs) is all that matters. And that they look good. (To whom, I wonder?)

The people who really do care about black lives are the people who are supposed to disdain them—the cops (many of whom are themselves black).

According to the Post, one high-ranking policeman said of Bragg’s new dictum that his office “will not seek a carceral sentence” except for homicides and a “handful” of other felonies, “It will lead to more young lives lost to gang violence and innocent people being hurt both physically and emotionally.”

Another added: “This is outrageous. He was elected to enforce the law. If he wanted to change them, he should have run for a state office.”

True enough, but as some woman once said of another crime that was never punished, “What difference does it make?” The police have been leaving New York too. More will now.

Bad, even horrific, as that is, we do have something to thank George Soros for that is considerably more important than whatever jokes we want to make about red state property values.

Exit quote: “More than anyone—with the possible exception of the current resident of the White House—George Soros will be responsible for a sweeping Republican victory in 2022 and possibly 2024.”