GOODER AND HARDER: Manhattan’s ‘progressive’ new DA Alvin Bragg just gave a green light for anarchy. “Specifically, Bragg says his office ‘will not seek a carceral sentence’ for anything short of murder or deadly assault (“carceral” being progressive double-speak for prison). Also, he says minor crime won’t be prosecuted at all.”

Great business opportunity for the “extralegal norms enforcement” formerly provided by the Corleones.

UPDATE: Seth Barrett Tillman: Impeaching Prosecutors Who Fail To Prosecute. “With the election of the Soros-funded prosecutors, and radical innovations in prosecutorial discretion, and changed incidence (including increased incidence) in crime, those who (politically) oppose such policies will naturally look to push back against these prosecutors and their policy changes.” But read the whole thing.

My view: Refusing to prosecute in a particular case in the interests of justice is prosecutorial discretion. Refusing to prosecute in a whole class of cases for policy reasons is arrogating legislative power to oneself, and an abuse of power.