HOW ESTABLISHMENT GOP MONEY FUNDED ABORTION PILL EFFORT: The Washington Free Beacon headline this morning on Collin Anderson’s illuminating story on how the recent abortion pill approval by the FDA came about emphasizes the link to population control. But there’s much more to this story.

At the center of the beaucoup money that fueled the successful campaign by the usual assortment of liberal foundations and activists was the fortune left behind by David Packard, once a giant of the Republican Establishment. Packard viewed population control as Job #1 for his foundation. His kids and grandkids took that mandate as a justification for spending huge chunks of the Packard fortune on abortion.

“Those expenditures have allowed Packard’s successors to deliver significant victories in furthering the late billionaire’s anti-natalist agenda. Take, for example, the Food and Drug Administration’s December decision to ease the process for getting a chemical abortion pill,” Anderson writes.

“The Packard Foundation played a central role in the deregulation fight, funneling millions to liberal advocacy groups that spearheaded the legal and political push to remove the FDA’s abortion pill barriers. The foundation meanwhile invested millions of dollars into GenBioPro, the only company that makes a generic form of the abortion drug.”