‘SENATOR KAREN:’ ELON MUSK JUST DESTROYED ELIZABETH WARREN. “As for the implication that he’s a fraud, Musk simply replied, ‘Stop projecting!’ with a link to a Fox News article detailing Elizabeth Warren’s long history of falsely claiming to be a Native American. Suffice it to say that Warren’s antipathy for Musk has no valid justification. He pays all the taxes he legally owes, and it’s highly misleading to look exclusively at income taxes when so much of his wealth and earnings come from capital gains and other alternative streams. Regardless of how much Musk pays in taxes, he has made massive advancements in space exploration and paved an electric vehicle revolution that will do exponentially more to help the United States reduce carbon emissions than Warren’s virtue-signaling ever will. Elizabeth Warren should never have picked a fight with Elon Musk. He absolutely destroyed Sen. Karen and reminded the world she is the real fraud and freeloader.”