QUESTIONS NOBODY IS ASKING: Major News Outlet Asks if Math is Racist.

Have you ever considered a numerical concept and then suspected it was judging you by your color?

If so, USA Today has an article for you.

A piece published Tuesday asks, “Is math education racist?”

“Debate rages,” it claims, “over changes to how (the) U.S. teaches the subject.”

The current title is a tweak: As relayed by Fox News, the original headline posed more profoundly, “Is math racist?”

We’re living in odd times — the best I can tell, if any group by any metric scores any worse than another, it’s assumed victimization is afoot.

And culture’s current Occam’s razor tells us the most racist explanation is usually the best.

Or perhaps I’m completely confused.

Either way, the write-up wants to know — what’s causing racial disparities in math performance?

Given our nation’s shameful anti-Irish past, I’m sick and tired of being told to calculate logarithms by The Man. Is it too late for me to get in on this action?