WAPO WARNS: Come and see the systemic racism of electric vehicles.

Alternate headline: Will the Washington Post put the Babylon Bee out of business? We have barely moved off square one in the progressive push to eliminate internal-combustion engines (ICEs), and we’re already hearing about the upcoming systemic racism in their proposed replacement. Here’s the headline, which is almost a satire in itself of the old joke about media reporting on the end of the world:

Without access to charging stations, Black and Hispanics communities may be left behind in the era of electric vehicles

Get ready for some new and woke vernacular in the EV era. Now we have to worry about “charging deserts”:

Look at any map of charging stations in the United States, and in most of the big cities, what is immediately apparent are big blank spaces coinciding with Black and Latino neighborhoods. Electric vehicle advocates call them charging deserts.

While electric vehicle use is growing rapidly in well-to-do, mostly White communities, minority neighborhoods are being left behind.

Maybe we need to recover a bit from the left-on-left violence of 2020 before worrying about “charging deserts:” Those ‘Food Deserts’ May Become Food Wastelands.

Elected officials and low-income advocates have been encouraging more grocery stores to locate in the food deserts to provide residents with at least one healthy alternative.

Unfortunately, the riots we are seeing in many cities are likely to bring those efforts to a halt—for years.

Would grocery store owners want to invest money in a building and stocking the shelves—or rebuilding and restocking the shelves—if there is a decent chance the store will be looted and burned?

Especially when some of the riot supporters have come to see looting as a feature rather than a bug.

Now do the same equation for installing expensive new charging stations in an area that could become a war zone. As Ed Morrissey concludes, “If we want to avoid ‘mobility justice’ and ‘charging deserts,’ maybe we shouldn’t implement a scheme with this much systemic racism built into it. Who knew the humble internal-combustion engine was so woke?”