Via Ben Sixsmith, a new forbidden word. Please update your files and lifestyles accordingly:

When not publicly threatening to assault people who use the word woke, and being pleased about it, having wilfully construed the term as somehow racist, Mr Anderson writes for Slate, where he tells the world how things really are. Some of the comments by Mr Anderson’s Twitter followers, and their endorsements of his sentiments, are also worthy of note.

Instapundit began linking to items referencing the word “woke” in 2016, so according to Mr. Anderson’s self-styled rules, we’re happily grandfathered in, but as David Thompson writes above, Anderson writes for Slate, one of the last journalistic redoubts of the Graham family, after they sold the Washington Post to Jeff Bezos for his tip money — perhaps the ultimate example of getting woke — and going broke.

(Classical reference in headline.)

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Guys who work for big media corporations telling people what’s racist and encouraging violence is the very definition of “woke” in 2021. And because people understand that, the word carries a lot of baggage that guys like Joel don’t like. But the problem is, they are the baggage.