SHOCK: Brian Williams Admits Press Are in a Liberal Bubble, Out of Touch.

On Friday’s The 11th Hour, for about 30 seconds, Brian Williams did something that is rare for him and other journalists to do as he admitted that the national news media live in a liberal bubble, mostly interact with others who are in the same bubble, and are therefore out of touch with a mostly red country.

Williams made his analysis as he hinted that Republicans many be on the verge of winning the upcoming elections in Virginia based largely on local school issues. After reading from an article in Politico which informed readers that many Virginia voters are concerned about issues of race and transgenderism in schools, Williams recalled past instances when the liberal press have been shocked as he correctly diagnosed a problem in his industry:

I have always believed we should be more critical of ourselves. The press corps — the people we read and the people we see all day long on cable news — tend to live in blue dots. No fault of their own — it’s where their employers are located. But it helps explain why the press corps largely was shocked at the rise of the Tea Party, shocked at the election of Donald Trump.

How odd, considering how Williams was sold to the American public by his then-boss, who is now the president of CNN:

“No one understands this NASCAR nation more than Brian,” says NBC president Jeff Zucker, who once produced Nightly News for Brokaw.

—Zooming in on Brian Williams, USA Today, November 9th, 2004.