Efforts to make museums adhere to more stringent [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] policies have prompted the hiring of many such “racial literacy consultants” who have introduced debunked ideas such as “implicit bias training” for volunteers. As one such consultant, Porchia Moore, told Slate, “I would argue that the notion and structure of racial equity and historical thinking are concepts that need to be taught from the earliest age possible” and that “there is no better place to do this than the museum.”

In other words, booting the white docents is only one phase of a much more radical program for museums. Moore, for example, wants to see “a whole structural reimagination of museums that goes well beyond volunteers.” As she told Slate, “We need to use this time to think about wage equity, hierarchy of the boards, and the systemic and institutional racism in museums.”

In the meantime, who will lead the tours of rowdy schoolchildren? Who will answer questions about the latest temporary exhibit or offer hours of unpaid labor to the public solely because of their commitment to giving back to their communities through art?

No one. Cultural institutions like the [Art Institute of Chicago] would rather deny the public—including schoolchildren, many of them from inner-city Chicago—the experience of knowledgeable, enthusiastic guides than appear not woke enough. Indeed, institutions like the AIC are now so woke that the mere existence of a voluntary labor force of white women is seen as an affront.

Why is the left such a cesspit of racism?