ROGER SIMON: Time to Stop ‘Communism, American-Style?’

Some will remember that comedy classic from 1961, “Divorce, Italian Style,”  starring Marcello Mastroianni. Unfortunately, sixty years later, we seem to be moving toward, even living through, a far less funny, real life “Communism, American Style.”

What is “Communism, American Style”?  As yet one would think it bears little resemblance to the Soviet kind with its Gulags and so forth.

Or does it?

On Oct. 6, the Los Angeles City Council proclaimed, nearly unanimously (11-2), COVID-19 mandates that require proof of vaccination to enter indoor restaurants, movie theaters, salons, shopping centers, and just about every other public indoor space you could think of in the entertainment capitol.

Others, with the encouragement of our federal government, will soon be following suit in varying degrees or already have.

Maybe Gulags aren’t needed when the entire society is living in one.

This occurred only a couple of days after Merrick Garland, the attorney general of our country—in what Mark Levin described as Stasi-like behavior—announced his jihad, apparently in cahoots with several other governmental education entities, against parents who deigned to criticize school boards for propagandizing their children with Critical Race Theory (son of Critical Theory, son of Marxism).

Garland called these concerned parents, who are springing up seemingly everywhere, “domestic terrorists.”

It turned out the AG’s own children were, via the “education” company Panorama, profiting mightily off purveying this same inducing of race hatred while pretending to be an anti-racist, totalitarian so-called theory.

Exit quote: “But the one-party system is still attractive. It obviously can be successful when paired with capitalism of various degrees. The so-called Chinese miracle is an outgrowth of that when millions, largely in the more capitalistic era of Deng Tsiao-peng, were lifted out of poverty. Virtually all the Democratic Party and an unfortunate portion of the Republican—the uni-party, as it is known—believe the Chinese are the way of the future and, as I have aid before, have consciously or unconsciously joined up with them in deeds, if not in words.”

Flashback: “Thomas Friedman Is a Liberal Fascist:” “I cannot begin to tell you how this is exactly the argument that was made by American fans of Mussolini in the 1920s. It is exactly the argument that was made in defense of Stalin and Lenin before him (it’s the argument that idiotic, dictator-envying leftists make in defense of Castro and Chavez today). It was the argument made by George Bernard Shaw who yearned for a strong progressive autocracy under a Mussolini, a Hitler or a Stalin (he wasn’t picky in this regard). This is the argument for an ‘economic dictatorship’ pushed by Stuart Chase and the New Dealers. It’s the dream of Herbert Croly and a great many of the Progressives.”